[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Sapphire Inn - Royal Suite, Main Room 5/7/2015, Sunday[/color][/b][/center] Stepping through the veranda and into one, big hallway Ayano could sense that the Shadow was just beyond that door. Wow, way to make it subtle, if this were a video game there'd be tons of supplies, health, and probably ammo in this hallway. Y'know just to prepare for the big fight. She looked the projected images in her monitors and could only stare at her surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and displeasure. She hasn't seen this many girls since...Well, now. She could've sworn that they would change into someone else whenever she turned her attention from one of them. Focusing back at the task at hand, the team swung the doors open and it was time... And it was...[b][i][color=007236]"Jun?"[/color][/i][/b] Yeah, it was that girl she and Chiaki met at the inn way back then. Who would've thought...The Shadow spoke of forbidden romance and Ayano could see how it caused Jun pain and could only hope she could power through the taunts but that was all wishful thinking...And of course Jun couldn't take the words to face value and it transformed. Ayano sighed at the same old song and dance, and what appeared before them was an archaic monster that was a horrible reflection of Jun's inner feelings. Even carrying a princess in one of her hands. Kami had given Ayano orders to scan and she went to work, her fingers typing as fast as she could in the moment of the battle, her screens capturing various nooks and crannies of the shadow in an attempt to look for its weakness, it would take some time however and she relayed this back to the team. It wasn't long before Kami told her to use her newfound ability of copy-pasting his attacks, she nodded back in response and assured him. She glanced back at the progress of her scan, just a little bit more...