[@Dedonus] [hider=Starbolt] [center][b]Player Name:[/b] The Kid Lantern [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/StarboltFinal_zpsyyienr8l.png[/img] [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Starbolt [b]Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):[/b] Walking the Line [b]Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):[/b]Formerly the Imperial Guard[/center] [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [b][i]* Note that the majority of the Imperial Guard has been untouched as far as backstory, however many of them are based on DC's own Legion of Superheroes.[/i][/b] C'reon was once a miner and traveled to several worlds such as Sparta, Zenn La, and Xandar. Upon finding a new energy source on several large asteroids, something like electric lava that would later be dubbed 'ultra energy', a rival co-worker named D'avo pushed C'reon into the glowing fissure. Left for dead, C'reon became one with the energy and escaped what would have been his grave several weeks later. Drifting through space without the need for air or a space suit, he was recruited into the Imperial Guard Training Academy. Becoming a member of the Imperial Guard, he first followed the orders of Majestros D'Ken. The princess Lilandra, sister of the majestros, grew attached to the drifter. For some time a secret romance bloomed, however it was shot down for awhile during the time D'Ken fell into a coma and Lilandra stepped up as Majestrix. Just as their romance/flirting was discovered by Gladiator, D'Ken awoke to resume the throne and immediately threw Starbolt in shackles. However, Starbolt recently broke free of his moon based prison. With civil war brewing among the Shi'ar, C'reon was the least of their worries. However, Gladiator has sworn to bring him in for his Majestros. [b]Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):[/b] Starbolt is completely made up of the 'ultra-energy' he discovered, something of a mixture of lava and electricity. This form gives him the ability to survive without eating, flight, generation and manipulation of ultra-energy blasts in the form of fiery bolts, and increased strength and endurance. Starbolt can control the temperature of his energy form as well, and survive in space without need of oxygen or a space suit. Starbolt's maximum lift is roughly ten tons [20,000 pounds]. Using heat and air currents, he can fly at supersonic speeds (600 to 1,000 mph). [b]Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.[/b] Fallen Star: C'reon's ship crash lands on Earth. Poor guy got shot down by Rocket and Groot, who're looking to score the Shi'ar bounty for his head... The Good, the Bad, and the Gladiator: The field leader of the Imperial Guard, Gladiator, catches up to the wanted Starbolt. Can C'reon survive a confrontation with a super-man? [b]Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):[/b] [b]Several months ago...[/b] Starbolt walked down a long hall in the Emperor's Palace on alert. The palace itself was about the size of a small Earth city. To say somebody could get lost in it was an understatement. C'reon looked all around when suddenly Princess Lilandra jumped out at him and then embraced him for a kiss. If the hero couldn't control the temperature of his energy form this would be a problem, but he enjoyed it while he could. A few moments later Starbolt pulled her away. "If we don't watch it somebody will catch us, Lilandra. We have to be careful..." Starbolt pleaded. "I do not care if you are of my people or not, C'reon. I should be able to choose who I wish to be with." the princess proclaimed. Starbolt looked around for a few moments before turning around. "I have to get back to my post, before somebody realizes I'm gone..." Starbolt said as he walked away. Neither of them saw the mohawk'ed Gladiator hiding in the shadows. [b]Three weeks ago...[/b] Starbolt was in adamantium shackles as well as a power dampening neck device. On the prison planet, that was actually a moon, there were several higher ups walking around in the yard where the prisoners could walk free somewhat. In truth it was more or less airing out after being stuck in cells the size of dog houses. A Shi'ar female, Lilandra in a religious disguise, walked past the former Imperial Guardsman and with a wave of her hand somehow broke or bent one of the chain links enough for Starbolt to separate his hands. Sometime after Lilandra and the other higher ups finished their walk through, after lights out... Starbolt escaped![/hider] Here's a character I started to use in Season 1 before we gave up on the Guardians of Knowhere. I've made a few edits here and there but if I can still jump back in this I'd like to go cosmic and use some lesser knowns and the Shi'ar as enemies and supporting characters [and drop Fredzilla]. I'd be up for creating another Guardians team if there's any takers... ~KL~