"Um, hello?" Kitsune waved as Dao seemed to zone out for a second, "Are you okay?" He soon proved to be perfectly fine. Which is good, as he would hate to have had a wasted trip. "Right, name." He said, "I'm Kitsune, pleased to meet you. Yes, my parents thought they were very clever. They're nice though, just don't tell my mom I'm here, we'll never get rid of her. Anyway, I come from down south, small village, no point naming it, well, more of a town, actually, probably smaller than it was, bandits aren't good for business." He poked his nose back through the gate towards all the students, who were still on their knees, looking towards them. "What are you gonna do about this lot, they look they were about to do something important. Oh yeah, the trial...thing. So, do you wanna do something about these guys? In fact, it's probably best that you did get ready or, something. What do you do when you want to eat? I mean, on the road, we'll probably have to, like, raid a farm, or something. Actually, how many guys this big are there? Are there loads? Is it why there are loads of farms? Where was I going with this, I had a point, I swear. It'll come back to me, um also, do you have like, you know, a map, or something? I've just got this." He pulled out a cracked and broken compass, and the needle seemed to hang a little limply. It looked like it was pointing south east. "Yeah, it took me a while to get here, luckily the place is pretty important so most people seem to know where it is. One guy lead me to a dead end where a bunch of other people attacked me. They weren't very good, I think they wanted money. I think the guy must have got it wrong. "So, yeah. I imagine you'll walk faster, what with your legs being as tall as me, so I'll get a head start. I'll probably meets you in....Crossroads? Probably? If you don't catch up before then. Unless you wanted me to wait with you." He turned to walk back down the road down the hill. But then seemed to remember something. "One more thing, I don't do swords, it ain't me, far easier to shoot people." He doesn't seem to realise that at this point his sword is visible but not any guns, he's far to busy focusing on the journey ahead. And trying to interpret his compass. [@Milkman][@Lexicon]