It took a moment, and no longer than that, for a sudden finger to tap on the shoulder of Jonathan. And a the voice from a young Irish sounding young man to come into Caster, and Jonathans' ears. [color=8dc73f]'Ey what'cha lookin' at?"[/color] said the cocky voice as both of them turned to see who it was it turned out to be another servant clearly judging by his looks, and the fact that he was shimmering into reality. The young man had his face covered with a hood, and a long dirty cut-up green cloak. His eyes where shielded but had a few strands of dirty orange hair coming out of it. His face stooped downward as he looked upon the scene below of the overseer, and the other servant. He had a big smile on his face and was clearly happy by the fact that he surprised the two of them. [color=8dc73f]"I'd say I was here first lads but that'd be dumb after all this is neutral territory. If not I may have taken another approach to having your backs turned. But Master specifically forbade me from causin' trouble. Not that'd I be dumb enough to go with at it that bloke by the overseer, and the other one lurking around 'ere somewhere."[/color] the servant continued without waiting for either of them to really say anything. He turned around and walked backward away from the edge of the roof. [color=8dc73f]"You know...what Caster? Assassin? Whatever you are. You really should get your master out of the cold. It's bad for his health. This war's just gettin' started. It'd be a shame if you'd have to find a new one so soon. And no that's not a threat just a 'friendly' warnin'."[/color] the young man further commented as he went towards the other edge of the roof.