[color=springgreen][h2]Edo-Karn/Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h2][/color] [@CirusArvennicus] During the time at the bar, the blonde had eaten about twenty sandwiches, and about 10 glasses of alcohol. It tasted like Moonishine but this world called it something else. On her 21st sandwich and 11th glass, Edo-Karn slowly munched and sipped the consumable items. Absently glancing and watching other people before deciding to ignore them and continue her own thoughts. Green eyes flickering to their side as Trinity sat down next to the girlish boy body. [color=Springgreen]"Yup. Working on machinery helps me think and distract me. Plus, it's educational to learn the difference of engineering."[/color] Edo-Karn responded, her expressionless face unchanging as she simply continued to fill this body's black hole of a stomach. At the mention of the ball, Edo-Karn simply shrugged, though her Earthland self was giving a loud mental [color=lime]'squeeeeeeeee yeeeeeeeees'[/color] within their mind. It was apparent that by now, Edo-Karn was maintaining control over this body. [color=springgreen]"I don't particularly care, though your Karn seems quite energetic about attending and dressing up in something frilly. Course that would mean getting a bath."[/color] she mused, listening to the sudden loud whimpering and the [color=lime]'no no no no no no no!'[/color] In their head. She simply glanced toward the rest of the Earthlander's mulling about before taking another bite. [color=springgreen]"Good luck with that."[/color] she mused.