[@Evil Snowman][@Wraithblade6] Captain Tyros shook his head at the Sororitas - indicating to her, that likely fighting the 'current' largest Adeptus Astartes Chapter, in plain view and infront of the Emperor; might not be the wisest thing to do at that. When asked about questions, Tyros didn't say much - namely because his first and only order was to defend the people of the Imperium. No matter what they were called nowadays, yet - he was...like many, worried about the status of having Astartes using Chaos-weapons at that. He had heard many stories, of such attempts. And as far as he was certain, they were NOT the mythical Grey Knights - whom were rumored to have millenias ago the ability to purify anything at that. His senses were tingling to the point, he didn't need to know - those 'things' were bad. [color=C0C0C0]"I have no major inquries, I am a servant of the Imperium,"[/color] spoke Tyros, before turning his gaze over to Captain Lattore. [color=C0C0C0]"I do hope, you know what you are doing, [i]Brother.[/i] The path astray usually begins with a single whisper."[/color] He knew it and likely have the room knew it. It would be best, if they could 'dispose' of the tainted weapons at that. Since he knew, that Chaos had the most eagerness in trying to corrupt those of great power, like the Astartes. And for all intents, he was not in the mood to fight an entire Chapter of Chaos Marines. But if duty called, he would answer - without hesitation.