((Collab between Rex, Double, and Letter Bee)) [b][i]Seth[/i][/b] Within his personal bubble of perception, Seth saw a world halted around him, as if it were trapped within a single moment in time. He could spy blades of light beginning to take form as Tocsax made his move, albeit very slowly from the Nobody's perspective. Speaking of moves, he also spotted bone-like constructs slowly taking shape around the guy with the hockey mask to intercept the blades. With a shrug, Seth began to zip toward the super weapon, pausing briefly as he passed by a shovel that had been thrown through the air, tilting his head and then moving on. He must have circled the weapon dozens of times, from dozens of angles all within the span of a moment or two from his perception of time, "Hmm..." the only thing he could discover about the weapon was that the hard light shell was just that: a shell. It seemed there was some kind of core within it, with crystaline veins running outward producing very tiny robots. Was it perhaps hollow on the inside of the shell? An idea began to take shape, but for Seth to pull it off he needed to make sure he wasted none of his time. The Nobody's eyes darted around quickly, locating each of his Snipers currently in action. They were taking aim but hadn't fired yet, which was just as well. In record time, Seth zipped about in the structure, manually grabbing his Snipers one at a time and gathering them in spot before putting a Hastega on all them to speed them up slightly. He then willed them to converge together, a bit slowly from his perspective but at double time from everyone else's perception of time. Once the Chaos Buster was cosntructed the Nobody threw open a Corridor of Darkness directly in front of it, one leading to what he hoped would be the inside of the hard light shell so that the shot would hit the core directly at point blank range. The Chaos Buster started charging up, again slowly to Seth but at double speed to everyone else thanks to the Hastega spell it was benefitting from. The Nobody's little space/time gambit wore off just as the big cannon finished up charging, "Trick or treat!" Seth said with a grin, pointing a finger forward like a gun and pulling an imaginary trigger in order to fire the Chaos Buster into the Corridor of Darkness that hopefully pointed the shot directly at the super weapon's core. This being Tocsax's first time witnessing the Chaos Buster, he might note the attack's remarkable similarity to his own Ultima Cannon technique. [i]Amazing![/i] Tocsax was at a loss for words as to how Seth's guile and creativity had allowed him to punch above his own weight, as the Planet Killer's holographic surface blinked in and out, before fading, and the crystaline core, bleeding luminous nanobots, fell towards the core of the Incubators' giant labyrinth of a city with a loud crash. But, Tocsax can only spare a few seconds at that, before confronting the trio, now duo, and saying: "Tell us, why should we trust you?" Data-Ascot just stod there silently, readying another spell. The man with the hockey mask smiled before he explained, “I’m pretty sure you’ve seen it: His Shadow Nexus. I’m sure you’ve also seen the destruction it brings. Why keep that destruction so close when it could erupt and destroy all of you?” the man with the hockey mask seemed to git a kick out of knowing how destructive the Shadow Nexus was. “I’m also sure you know about his occupation. Do you even realize how many people he’s killed for money? So why would someone like you who’s fighting for the light let such a person on their side? How long before he turns his blade on you or worse: he turns his Shadow Nexus on you.” the said before he continued, “I’m sure you can sense the blood lust in it. The pure anger and rage it holds. Why not let us take it from you?” “Get to the point!” Viper hissed. She was growing Impatient with the current situation as she added, “If he’s not willing to give us the weapon. Then let’s just take it. We get Drake and put him in the chamber, he’ll simply go back to his old self. “ “In due time Viper, but we must be rational about this. These people might not want to part with the weapon. The Shadow Nexus is powerful. If we can extract it, we can control it,” the man with the hockey mask stated before he turned back to Tocsax and added, “you might not trust us, but how much do you trust Drake? A person who lies can’t be that trust worthy or has he got you believing in the whole not killing children spiel?” “Oh my god, can we just get the weapon and go!” Viper yelled. “Viper! In due time, we need to negotiate. Hence why I sent Maze to get the girl. We trade her for Drake,” the man stated before he added, “The others are keeping the rest busy. So we just need to wait.” Maria di Italia had teleported Drake to the platform everyone else was in while this exchange was going on, and Tocsax would look at the bounty hunter and say: "Drake, can you tell these thugs what you think of them and their exaggerations as regards you? Shadow Nexus or no Shadow Nexus, we don't hand over people to be harmed or hurt."