[b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Royal Suite Main Room | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] As everyone started engaging their targets, things were immediately looking somewhat shaky. None of the shadows, neither the three knights or the primary shogun, were pushovers and were putting up quite a fight. Whilst Akane and Rui could at least hold their own against a single foe, covering for each other and using openings from Sato's spells, having to take on a knight alone was proving to be no meagre task for Kaminari's team. Luckily though, they managed to avoid taking any direct hits but it seemed that working in real hits of their own rather than just glancing blows would take some time. However, considering that they still had to hold out for their support to get a hold on these shadows' weaknesses, it wasn't all bad. Using Ryan's Gale Slash as an opening, Kaminari brought down a heavy lightning bolt upon one of the knights - which didn't get more than a moment to recover before a duplicate strike followed, courtesy of Ayano. Kotori meanwhile kept her eyes closely following everyone all around her - but with no one having suffered critical damage, she opted to instead recover the little cuts and scrapes that could easily accumulate from close calls and last-second parries. [color=green]"Media,"[/color] she called and just a moment later, Kikuri-Hime obliged. A gentle golden glow momentarily enveloped the flowery shrine maiden that was Kotori's Persona - and then the same glow surrounded all of the fighters; lending them warmth and respite as their strength recovered. The by now familiar fatigue that accompanied any spell settled in her mind, albeit slightly stronger than usual - but though it was a bit more taxing to heal such a large group, Kotori had little time for such concerns and kept her thoughts focused on the present. For the moment though, it was still manageable - and she'd been in such situations a few times now; albeit this time around even more people were relying on her - a fact that brought both worries about their safety but also a redoubled effort to ensure it to the fore.