[center][h1]New Campton[/h1] The City of New Campton resides in a built up first world country. This is where our story takes place. [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/d5cc/i/2011/159/6/9/futuristic_chicago_by_scharborescus-d3idz86.jpg[/img][/center] [b][h3]Back story:[/h3][/b] The progression of augmentations in human beings started with an organic synthetic nervous system. In other words taking what we know about photosynthesis in plants and implementing it in human tissue to allow regrowth and feeling in prosthetic limbs. This was to allow amputees, paralyzed and comatose victims to resume feeling where it had been lost before. In a majority of patients, paralyzation of a limb often is rooted back to a "miscommunication" or disconnect of any one nerve, the trick of this scientific progression was in locating this one nerve and implanting the organic synthetic tissue to it so it can heal. Once that was successful the progression of this material got extended into prosthetic limbs so amputees could feel a handshake or their foot touching the ground making their life easier through feeling. As all these success came up, advances in robotics continued as well to the point of human like robots who would now work the simple jobs such as fast food, household chores, maids in hotels, janitors, etc. They have no independent thought and are taught jobs with programs installed on their hard drive. This was the beginning of the friction between robotics and pure. Pure being the term used for those with no augmentations and a dislike for advanced robotics. With the advances on robots our Biomechanical Engineer discovered a way to replace prosthetics with robotics allowing full movement and strength back into the once lost or unused limb. There were complications in the beginning but all test subjects were volunteer only and signed waivers. It was discovered shortly afterwards that a chip implant was needed in the brain to allow full control over the cybernetic augmentations. This added implant allowed a wider range of possibilities with the new limbs including increased strength, quicker and lighter steps, increased jumping heights not to mention the ability to surf the web, take phone calls, etc with the neuro-chip. With this discovery a tech boom began again. Soon everyone was in line to get limbs replaced with augmentations. Construction was completed quicker and more efficiently, seamstresses could get more projects done in less time, etc. This made the pure very upset. Their jobs were taken over by seemingly cyborgs. As people began resorting to crime to pay for augmentations it was soon discovered that the body while accustomed to change would begin rejecting the implants if something was not done to help it synchronize. That's when the pharmaceutical company comes along where our physicist purest works to distribute this newly developed drug for the augmented allowing full synchrony while the effect of the drug were in their system. As it's popularity sky rocketed, crime did as well and more and more people began getting augmentations. This is about the point where our story begins. [b][h3]Robots:[/h3][/b] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/42db/th/pre/f/2013/029/5/e/cyborg_couple_by_sedorrr-d5t5nsw.jpg[/img] This photo is an advertisement for household robots posted throughout the city. The robots found around the city are incapable of independent thought, feeling, emotion, etc. They do simple jobs such as janitorial, fast food, trash pick-up, house/hotel maid, etc. They are given jobs through purchasable software that is then installed on their hard drive. [b][h3]Cybernetic Augmentations:[/h3][/b] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/2404/i/2014/022/9/7/silver_brawny_cyber_arms_by_ociacia-d739p49.jpg[/img] This is an example of the types of augmentations seen. Though this is an example, it is not the only one available. Note, in order to get any of these a small Neuro-Chip must be implanted in the brain, typically behind the ear between the Motor Cortex and the Temporal lobe. This chip is capable of much but each program desired costs an extra purchase price. The chip itself comes equipped with the capability to synchronize with cybernetic augments, making calls, surfing the web and the like could be installed after purchasing the software with the additional purchase of a circuit that connects to your visual and hearing abilities allowing you to be fully submersed in the conversation. [b][h3]The Pharmaceutical:[/h3][/b] [img]http://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/files/2016/09/blue-abstract-glass-balls-690x320.jpg[/img] We introduce Carletta, AKA Letta for short. This drug allows the body full synchrony with the cybernetic augmentations. Without it the body will work but not as well as a healthy human body would. A few minor augmentations will work fine without this drug but increased additions to your augmentations will almost require it to continue functioning properly. Addiction is a minor side effect to taking this drug. ____ This RP includes [@Heap241] and [@RyuShura]