[center][b][color=orange][h2]Avey StormChaser[/h2][/color][/b] Chapter 1 All Wizards have to work sometime [/center] [hr]([i] Phoenix Wing Hotel[/i])[hr] [hider=My Hider] [b][indent]'Bgrrgh'[/indent][/b] Avey had slept long passed the rise of the sun. It was the growl of his own stomach that eventually pulled him from his slumber. Hunger could be a powerful motivator at times. The sun beat down on him harshly forcing him to squint through blurry eyes as he adjusted to the brightness. Stretching his arms out widely he eventually sat up and yawned deeply as he embraced a ruffling cool breeze with a smile. The first thing he did, the first thing he always does, is look to the skies. Eyes now focusing. He felt the flow of the winds and read the movements of the clouds. He was a 'storm chaser' after all through and through and lived up to the title truly. Sadly he was hit with the familiar dull disappointment of a calm, clear beautiful day. [b][indent]'Bgrrgh'[/indent][/b] A second growl of his stomach reminded him what he had awoken for. He shook his head and tuned his sleepy senses to the happenings of the town. Avey got up and snatched Rinn's hovering silver weathervane arrow from the air as he walked to the very end of the tall building, the toes of his bare feet dangling over the sheer edge. He listened to idle chatter and the pattering of hundreds of feet upon the ground. He smelled the different aromas drifting in the air and pulled in those that intrigued him. For a short span he just drank it all in. All the sights, smells, noises. All the information. He just stood there on the hotel roof, at the very edge in a near meditative state. The day started out like many before it, carefree, lighthearted and guided by the wind. But Avarius's story starts here on this day because today would not end like any other before it. He had every intention to have a leisurely day, steal some food, explore, deal with Rinn's troubles then continue on to the next town with a playful smile and laugh. But every great adventure, historical accomplishment or fateful journey begins with simple step. The true start of most great things often begins before the story even starts. Simple gestures or acts that pave the way for things to come. The first domino in a large string of chain events. As Avey stepped off the roof onto an invisible step of air, a worried woman noticed him as she hurried on by. Her simple tan hooded cloak wrapped tightly around her fluttered as she moved with purpose. By chance they shared a moment of eye-lock. Her bright green eyes caught his and in that instant he noticed they were heavy with lack of sleep, the creases in her brow brought on by an endless worry. Even upon a simple glance it was obvious her heart sat wounded and heavy in her chest, the hours of flowing tears still evident on her face. She radiated a sad helplessness that reached out to Avey like a plea. She was looking to seek help from the wizards of Phoenix Wing and had mistaken Avey for one such wizard. He hadn't the courage to add another disappointment to her story today so he simply held his silence and said nothing. He needn't even lie, his silence was all the assurance she needed as her frail desperation and clinging desire of hope interpreted the situation to match her needs. Avey was taken by complete surprise as he gently floated to the ground before her and was instantly hit by her wild heavy emotional plea. She spoke fast with a raspy dry voice. Her eyes tearing up and lips trembling as memories and thoughts flooded back. She was in a frantic state, repeating herself or skipping things. Often expecting Avey to know something he didn't. At the end of it he had to stop her by holding her tightly against his chest while she sobbed away her fears. He still hadn't said a word the entire time and only had some very vague ideas about her troubles, but what he did know was she was in need and was expecting Avey to make everything better. [b][indent]'Bgrrgh'[/indent][/b] [/hider]