[center][h2][color=crimson]Chikage[/color][/h2][/center] The first indicator that something wasn't right was that the explosion sounded too small. Chikage finally turned around, already reaching into her bomb pouch from a crouching position before she got a good grasp of the situation. This was not an assassin but instead was an ally judging by his calm tone and lack of further action. [i]An ally that Chikage just mutilated.[/i] She was quick to see that Kishimoto was missing too limbs though she was a bit slower to notice the lack of blood and his use of a crutch. [color=crimson]"Kyaaa!!"[/color] She let out a horrified scream, bringing her hands up to her face to cover her mouth. [color=crimson]"I'm so sorry Lord Hokage! We need t-..."[/color] Kishimoto would easily be able to identify the exact moment in time that Chikage realized her misconception about his injuries. [color=crimson]"Wha-... How did..."[/color] How could he have escaped the blast in that case with only some damage to his clothes? What happened to the other two bombs? Where did he even come from to sneak up on her like that? Why was he so calm after almost dying to friendly fire? Then Chikage realized that he had reprimanded her for her hasty reaction. Her face grew flush with embarassment as she got down on her hands and knees with her head bowed low to the ground. [color=crimson]"Forgive me, sir! I didn't mean to try to kill you! I just thought you were an assassin from another country invading our village..."[/color] Her voice began to trail off as she realized that perhaps it was better to [i]not[/i] explain her reasoning for attacking him. She didn't remain in her begging pose for long, getting back up to her feet as soon as she finished her apology. And once she was standing upright she finally had a good moment to size up Kishimoto, the Second Hokage. And he seemed unimpressive. He was missing and an arm and a leg, for starters. He was moving around with a crutch. His clothes were dirty now. He was unshaven. His hair was messy. Overall he looked more like a bum than a shinobi, let alone a former Hokage. Chikage hadn't seen him in person in years and he looked way different than he did in her memories. She remembered him being taller, more handsome, having an authoritative aura about him. In his present state he looked like he could trip on a rock and take five minutes getting back up. [color=crimson]"Uh..."[/color] Now Chikage was stuck alone with a washed-up Hokage that she just previously tried to kill. It was already awkward and she wasn't making the situation any better by staring at him. Thankfully she was saved by the arrival of her other two teammates. She had never met these two boys before, or at least she had no memory of them. They seemed about her age so perhaps they had classes together. [i][color=crimson]Wait, of course we haven't met. I graduated years ago. Duh.[/color][/i] At Kishimoto's offer to sit, Chikage followed the team over to the little tea party he had set up. She couldn't recall ever having tea but it would seem rude to decline the kindness of a man she almost blew into tiny pieces. To that end she took a seat and one of the cups of tea, holding it in both hands. Since Kishi wanted to have everyone introduce themselves Chikage felt pressured into going first. She wasn't nervous about introducing herself or anything but still felt guilty for bombing a crippled man. [color=crimson]"Well I'll start then,"[/color] she began. [color=crimson]"You can call me Yoshitaka, Chikage. I've been a genin for almost four years and I specialize in blowing things up. [sub]I guess I'm not that great at it considering Lord Hokage survived...[/sub] but that isn't important."[/color] After her mouthful she took a quick sip of the hot tea, immediately scalding her tongue and making her regret her decision. After spitting a few times to ease her pain, or at least trick herself into thinking it was eased, she finished up her introduction. [color=crimson]"I guess it's also a fair warning that I keep enough bombs on me to wipe out a city block, so don't set me on fire or anything like that."[/color]