[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Ashlyn Johnson[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-xn9SF3V9DR8/U4ZFdYryDFI/AAAAAAAAof0/WKHp1wJYSyQ/w800-h800/maxresdefault+(2).jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [@Lugubrious] Ashlyn silently and anxiously awaited Indigo's response. The long pause just making her feel more and more anxious the more time that passed. What would she say? HURRY THE HELL UP! .... Is what Ash wanted to say. But she figured that would be a tad disrespectful. Man being respectful and patient just was way too difficult for her... Oh she was finally giving a response. Though most people had a decent level of patience, Ash tended to burn through hers quicker than a bushfire in Australia. Though a little long-winded for Ash's liking, though it was kinda what she was expecting from her brief experience with the sorceress, she still listened intently. The last part however echoed a few times within Ash's mind. Ash gave a half-hearted chuckle before responding. [color=9e0b0f]"I see...you're far more forgiving than me it would seem. I'm not the type to let go of the past easily."[/color] Ash glanced down at her clenched fist and unclenched it a couple of times. Would it really be right that this same hand which had hurt so many be allowed to atone? [color=9e0b0f]"I...I have to get this off my chest sooner or later. I wanted to speak with the Commander about it first..but your answer makes me feel a little more comfortable with you being the first to know. I mean soldiers don't keep secrets from their superiors right?"[/color] Ash took a couple of deep breaths to settle her rising nerves. She wasn't usually so anxious or on edge, but then again she wasn't sure how people would react to her telling them she was a dark wizard till a year ago. But Indigo's answer gave her a brief hope that she had a chance to have a clean slate. Ash was determined to redeem herself, to protect rather than harm others. [color=9e0b0f]"You wouldn't be overly familiar with them...but I used to be part of a dark guild known as Shadow Heart till recently. I had my own reasons for being in the guild, but it doesn't forgive what I did to people...eventually the pain, grief and death was just too much and I just wanted out but the master...she..she's a monster beyond any definition of the word. I couldn't get out except through death...and even then that was difficult. Eventually I met someone who opened my eyes about a year ago. I got out thanks to him and ever since I've been on the run from the monster which was my old guild master...everywhere I go, no matter how far I ran, they kept coming. Even now they still haunt me. If I join they might come after Frenzy Plant as well...so I'm not so sure I should join anymore. I'm just sick of running! And your guys strength made me think maybe...just maybe there was a chance of defeating that monster once and for all. That was selfish of me. I see that now...yet I still want to join even knowing I'll bring trouble to you guys. I-I just don't know what to do anymore."[/color] By the end of Ash's ramble her fist was trembling and her eyes had gotten teary. Frustration, fear and all sorts of negative emotions were running through her. She wasn't sure how Indigo would react to this...but if worst came to worst, she would allow Indigo to hand her over the council without much of a fight. [center][h1][color=f49ac2]Jasmine Lockwood[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7a/ea/49/7aea49979d724bfa6273ac171870ecec.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [@Raijinslayer] What? Did Jackson-Sorry, Jacqueline really just say that changing ones entire appearance and [i]gender[/i] was commonplace amongst wizards? Jasmine truly would never understand mages. Though she was definitely curious about what type of magic one would use to do such a thing. Realising that Jacqueline wanted her to follow him-her, Jasmine quickly stood up and followed suit. Well Jasmine wasn't bored...just that she wanted some fresh air to think about what had happened. But doing something interesting would be a good distraction at least. [color=f49ac2]"I-I really don't think it's that common..."[/color] Jasmine responded softly and with a sigh. Though she stiffened up at the sight of the alley that Jacqueline now suggested they head down. That was the most dangerous looking, shady and dark alley she had ever seen in her life. Every fibre of her being told her to go nowhere near there, so thinking that Jacqueline was joking she turned to say something; only to have found Jacqueline heading down the alleyway already! Shaking her head in disbelief she fought back the urge to turn around and followed after Jacqueline, making sure to stick close to her side as she glanced around nervously. Jacqueline's words might've been to comfort Jasmine, but really they just made her all the more nervous. [color=f49ac2]"I-if you say so..."[/color] She mumbled before going quiet. She wouldn't lie in saying that she wasn't curious as to what Jacqueline was saying, but she certainly wouldn't head down here without her. [color=f49ac2]"W-what do you expect to find down here anyway?"[/color] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Cody Bloodstein[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]http://phoenixwing.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/1/1/31114287/907950253.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [@Cherrywitch][@Zarkun] Cody almost fell for the concerned look she gave him. Almost. However after being on edge the last few days, and being approached in a dark alley of all places, he still couldn't quite believe her. Despite wanting to. Cody would've stepped back when Akai started to approach him if it wasn't for...well the fact there was nowhere to step back to. There was just a cold brick wall behind of him. Broken heart? What the hell was this woman on about? Cody wasn't too sure how to react now as the woman approached him. The hand she placed carefully on his shoulder felt warm and comforting to the touch...almost like the hand of a concerned mother. His heart skipped a beat from being this close to her. Remove the pain? Cody seemed rather troubled by that. Why did she mean? The pain he felt from his past? Or the pain which he felt before? Her hope filled eyes made contact with his somewhat clouded crimson orbs and he was just about to responded when he heard the sound of a sword being drawn. Looking up he found that James was now behind the woman, his sword pointed towards her. He had been too captivated by the woman before him to have noticed James heading down the alley. He was strangely silent for a guy who walked around in armor, maybe some sort of enchantment? Cody wouldn't put it past the paladin. [color=ed1c24]"James? Why are you here?"[/color] First and foremost though Cody needed that burning question to be answered by the paladin. He thought the Paladin was still at the hotel in his room, so him suddenly turning up was more than surprising. [center][h1][color=f26522]Angela Terra[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/1239e39333b2c812e4a08419158fa83d/http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn128/ra_89_2008/cute-anime-gothic-girl.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@Oblivion666] The young witch chuckled happily at Indigo's reaction. She beamed with pride that she managed to scare the crap out of him. After all, not many 13 year old girls could scare the crap out of fully grown men! It would also seem that Indigo was just as bored as her then? Excellent! [color=f26522]"Ooo? A prank?"[/color] Angela asked excitedly as she continued to dangle around his neck, her feet not even touching the ground as was the height difference between the two. [color=f26522]"Maybe we could set their pants on fire?"[/color] Angela added thoughtfully. It was childish, as one would expect from the childish mage. But she was also quite capable of setting their pants on fire from a distance so hilarity could ensue.