[center][img]https://s27.postimg.org/el6ke7o0j/Freeman.png[/img] [color=F7923A]Level 1 Day One, Evening Tetris Castle Reception Interaction: [b]None[/b] Mention: [@Aether Spawn] [@Lmpkio] [@Bright_Ops] [@Holy Soldier][/color][/center] Gordon narrowed his eyes and smirked. It seemed like everyone in the immediate area was teaming up on Mario, especially Samus and the newly-arrived Luigi. Samus had fired a barrage of oranges at the red plumber, while Luigi had assumed an aggressive combat pose. He glanced to his side and saw that Buck had once again boosted away, having targeted the assassin. The room was still a scene of total chaos, with food flying everywhere. Gordon felt a wave of nostalgia. The last time he had a food fight like this, it was back in high school in Seattle, and it ended with him getting detention for a month. Jumping back to the tables at the rear, Freeman was just about to pick up a corn on a cob when a voice rang out from one of the rooms near the reception hall. [color=00a651][b]“What is this? A room full of children? Are these the heroes we summoned? I could have probably found better at an elementary school. Who started this mess?”[/b][/color] The instantly recognisable voice of Guile, Capcom's head, bellowed. Freeman immediately panicked. He knew that everyone in the room was going to be in deep shit. Hurridly stashing away his Gravity Gun, he desperately began cleaning up the mess in an attempt to get away with murder. Unfortunately, there were spilt confectionaries all over the place, not to mention sauces and gravies and soups.