[center][color=red][h3]Akai "Little Red"[/h3] [hider=Ref][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/C9UmgmC.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [i]Location: Crocus, in town Interactions: Cody [@lunarlors34] James [@zarkun][/i][/color][/center] [color=red][i]Playing into the palm of my hand...[/i][/color] As soon as the thought went through her mind, the [i]sching[/i] of an unsheathed get sword rang out clearly down the alley. Before Akai could react to protect herself, the tip of the cold metal was already pressed into her lower spine. The green eyes narrowed slightly as they futilely attempted to roll towards the side to try and catch a glimpse of the aggressor. [color=SteelBlue]"You would do well to leave my student alone, or state your business as requested. That smile I saw on your face before you followed him spoke of ill intention."[/color] Student? Well, he did appear young. That's why it would have been so easy to corrupt his young mind. Cursed man, ruining her fun. Akai took a very careful turn, just so she could partially face James, her face the usual image of deceptive innocence. [color=red]"Ill intention? I would never. If you caught me smiling, it was mostly because I was glad I could help a wounded boy."[/color] She paused to give a gentle smile to Cody, the same grin she would always use to warm the heart. The eyes returned to James. [color=red]"If he is your student, than why did you not know he was hurting? When I found him, his emotional stability was shot."[/color] She gave a curious pout, to show her assumed sadness at the idea. [color=red]"I really only did want to help... Don't you agree?"[/color] She glanced to Cody for the question, expecting him to answer.