[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Two inches, about the length of the first two joints of your index finger. It was a good thing that Xavier was as hard to finish off as Auz. It was also quite a good thing that the average heart was located 2.25 inches from the chest, the blade stopping mere millimeters from Xavier's blood pumper. Xavier might have trouble using his left fist to attack with as efficiently as before though, due to the presumed damage. When Auz saw that this one hadn't done the trick, he knew he was about to be on his last life. Instead of trying to pull away, he pressed further towards Xavier's uppercut so that it'd cut his throat. No point in prolonging it. His blood gushed out in torrents, Xavier having succeeded in killing Auz again. When Auz respawned, for the last time in regards to Xavier's actions, he was equipped the same as before, sword in right, dagger in left, standing fifteen feet in front of his opponent.[/i]