[@Morose] [@Lauder] [@Sputnik] [@Sigil] [@mnkee] [@rivaan] [@Pundii] And we have begun!!! Okay, a few quick things for those that have not been in the hell that is one of my RP's before. (People like Pundii, Morose, Rivaan, and Sigil already know the drill.) - Starting IC is up, which means that you have a 7 day counter from my first IC post to get your first post in, after that your counter will run from your last post. (Keep track of it, keep up, I do boot, I don't feel bad for kicking.) Now, as far as Soulless goes - you will not run into them unless I set it up in the IC, so no killing rampages in the streets. Feel free to use no name npc as far as people passing buy, servants in your characters house, and so forth. Your personal NPC's can be used to talk with. No information or hints can be given by NPC's you control - No meta gaming. Clues to what will happen and such are already out there - Cs's, OOC, IC - so make sure to read everything. Sometimes you will get a PM from me telling you something you will need to work into your post. Keep a special eye out on World Narratives. (These are the posts made by me with big headers in them.) Alright, we do have a new comer coming in - [@smarty0114] - Now, Smarty, your character has not been included in the opening IC post because you have to finish relations still. No worries, just get those worked out. Then tag me here in the OOC so I can change your status from approved character to free to post - then I can work you into the story. ^_^ And with that my peeps.... AWAY WE GO!