The helicopter descended slowly onto the landing pad on the fantail of the [i]Ticonderoga[/i]-Class Guided Missile Cruiser. As soon the rotary wing aircraft was on the deck, the pilot shut the engines down and the US Naval personnel responsible for maintaining the ship's aircraft began lashing the bird to the mooring rings on the deck. This was to prevent the helicopter from being tossed overboard if the ship were to hit rough seas. Sergeant Morse exited the aircraft and followed the other members of Alpha Team down the ladders, walkways and ramps, over the side and into the zodiac rubber boat at the water line. The waves were not rough, but enough to make the boat rise and fall a foot or two. Tyus took the stern position to operate the till at Captain Upton's direction. When the members of Alpha Team were loaded, Sergeant Morse guided the boat out away from the ship to wait for the Bravo Team. Once they were loaded the boats raced towards the shoreline. Sergeant Morse kept his eyes on Captain Upton to receive guidance on direction and speed. After concealing the rubber boat in some bushes and covering with palm branches, the team moved out towards its primary Observation Post (OP). The team trekked through rough jungle terrain, up and down hills, all the while sweating their asses off. Roughly one hour later, a silent hand and arm signal communicated a halt. The team was at their OP and time to set up. Captain Upton assigned sectors for the team members to observe and secure a perimeter. One member would face the rear to observe anyone approaching from that direction. Sergeant Morse had been using his AN/PVS-14 Night Vision sights since they left the ship. He was accustomed to the greenish hues providing him images of what was in front of him. There was no sign of their suspected opposition known as the Valkyrie Network last known to be operating here in Indonesia. He grasped his SCAR 17, placing it on the ground in front of him while laying in the prone position. In whispered tones, Sergeant Morse conducted a radio check with the Combat Information Center (CIC) aboard the [i]USS George Washington[/i]. This was to insure they had radio communications with the ship that would provide Close Air Support (CAS) if the need should arise. The radio check was successful and SGT Morse advised the CIC there were no requests at this time. The last word, Dash received from the Team Commander, Captain Upton was there would probably not be a need for it. But as everyone who has ever been in combat knows, it is better to have and not need than to need and not have. Have you ever met a soldier in a firefight who had too much ammunition? [hr] Sergeant Czerepusko followed Corporal Thatcher and the Bravo Team to their Zodiac. The Alpha team's craft pulled away and waited for the B Team to load up. Once the two were loaded, they sped off in the direction of some unspoken Indonesian island. Romek, also known as [i]Scooter[/i] had no clue where he was. Once they were ashore at their insertion point and the rubber boat, concealed, the Sniper Team, now known as Team Sigma donned their Ghillie Suits. They followed the B Team lead by Chief Bastion on the way to their pre-designated Observation Positions (OP). Team Sigma broke off from Merlin's team more than a kilometer before they reached their OPs. With his Bor rifle secured to his back, Romek kept the Mini-Beryl carbine slung high under his right arm, ready to use if needed. Upon reaching OP Charlie, Corporal Thatcher found a suitable firing platform. Sergeant Czerepuszko set up near a tree. He crawled into position, extended the bipods on his Bor Rifle and stored the carbine. He looked down the sites using the AN/PVS-14 Night Vision sights. From where he lay, he could see several potential contacts. He made a mental range card of various objects within his field of view. Most of the items on his range card spread from six hundred to nine hundred meters. He counted no fewer than fifteen potential hostiles either standing still or moving about in his field of vision. "You are right about the views, Wraith," Sergeant Romek Czerepuszko responded. Romek actually enjoyed listening to the New Zealand accent. It was pleasing to his ears. He found understanding the South Pacific Islander quite easy. "I am ready to fire," Scooter responded to Wraith. Then he keyed his throat mic, "Eagle, this is Scooter. Team Sigma in position. Eyes on target. I count fifteen hostiles. Weapons Hold, over." Sergeant Czerepuszko informed the Team Commander, Captain Upton that the sniper team arrived at OP Charlie, were ready for the next phase of their operation. He could see 15 potential targets in his field of vision and that he would not open fire until told to do so. There are three weapons statuses: Hold, Tight and Fee. Hold means to not fire until ordered to do so; tight means do not fire unless fired upon and free means fire on any confirmed enemy target in your field of vision.