"Valid points, Lady Knight." Darius suddenly interjected, a bit of irony in his voice at the 'lady knight.' To be quite honest, he wasn't entirely sure what he should make about her sudden act of charity. Had she done it out of genuine compassion, or just to spite the woman who disagreed with her? If it was the latter, then that made the act an empty gesture, and made her seem more petty than anything else. But her argument about why they shouldn't loot the tombs was convincing, and since he had limited experience on the matter, he had to bow to her judgement, especially because he had no desire to be cursed or haunted. He also thought of his own faith, and realized that if he wished to retain favor with the goddess he had recently started praying to, he probably shouldn't desecrate any graves, even if death wasn't Tymora's domain. The result of all this thinking was that he suddenly found himself changing his mind about remaining silent. No one else was speaking up to halt the bickering, and he didn't he didn't come here to watch a catfight, as entertaining as those could be. "I believe we have gotten off topic. This is clearly an urgent matter, and time is short." He looked over to Assallya. "...and every late arrival means there is less coin to be divided amongst us." As he said this, he pointed towards Joric (who furrowed his brow in response), and then to the paladin, both of whom had arrived late. Finally, he looked back to the old man. "One hundred and seventy-five does seem reasonable. Although I'm sure some public recognition for our deed - after it is done, or course - would go a long way to helping us all find future employment within your great city." He suggested, laying the flattery on thick.