[hider=The yandere] [img] http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/shimoseka/images/e/e9/Anna_Full.png/revision/latest?cb=20150819171634 [/img] Name: Feon Gilfheim Nickname: The Crazed Lunatic of Justice Gender: Female Age: 17 Sexuality: Straight? It’s highly questionable. Role: Nilfheim Rank: C Alignment: Balance Element: Enough strength to make evil doers beware! Also she is surprisingly good at drunken fist. Personality: Feon is not in anyway a normal person. She is obsessed with the idea of justice and as such believes that all evil doers must be punished. Consequently though due to her obsession with comic books as well she will often make a slight speech before jumping into action. History: Feon grew up in a rather average upbringing. However at a young age she became obsessed with super hero’s and their ideas of justice. For the most part Feon is happy to help. Though she has had issues with going a bit too far and causing property damage. Other: Feon has a very strange and powerful obsession with certain people she likes and hates. If she is in love with someone she will do whatever she can to keep that person safe, however she does this by stalking their every movement. She is basically a Yandere. [/hider]