[@Chromane][@Draken][@Atrophy][@Caits][@Skepic] Hate to do this twice in a row, but this is something important, I promise: I just got a PM asking about 3 potential newcomers to the RP. I wanted to get everyone's feedback. I'm on the fence about the idea, so your job is to convince me one way or the other. On the one hand, I like more characters and having a chance to explore them more. On the other hand, the bird is a 4 seater, and the Garrloch is only so huge we cant keep pulling people out of the woodwork All joking aside, though, I worry that too many people could effectively drown the RP under its own weight. We've been chugging along pretty well so far, and I'd hate to jeopardize that in the name of more players. So, thoughts?