[center][img]https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/man-with-mustache-smoking-a-cigarette_1122-687.jpg[/img] [color=A1A6AA][sub]F E R D I K I L N E R[/sub][/color][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]P R E L U D E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]Born in Ireland to a mystic father and historian mother, much of Ferdi's childhood was colored by the interactions his father had with the Void and its creatures. He learned the history of mysticism around the world but particularly in Ireland, as well as of significant interactions in history between the Void and the material world. Exposure to Void phenomena and abilities affected Ferdi's sanity negatively, especially early on, causing him to suffer in his school work for most of his years. One experience of which Ferdi never experience partook, though, was entry into or viewing of the Void itself. No matter his father's desire to have Ferdi continue family line of mysticism, his father knew that exposure without conditioning had a great risk of causing Ferdi's death. And so they trained. Disregarding the often shaken sanity, many of Ferdi's encounter with the Void were neutral or even good. His father would often use the Void to help friends or family in times of need, making sure to keep the intrusion of that other dimension as limited as possible. Even the most careful are subject to fate. As Ferdi's father was helping with a surgery for IRA members, an attempt at utilizing Void powers slipped out of his control. Only the father survived of the dozen people in the building. Following this mistake, Ferdi and his family fled Ireland to the United States. Sixteen years old when this happened in 1982, Ferdi was forced to readjust to the new country for his final two years of high school. Having discarded all tools of the Void in fleeing and swearing to never again access that dimension, his father thought himself safe. Within three weeks of their arrival in the United States, the Department of Paranormal Surveillance had found and confronted Ferdi's father, forcing him to sign on to an agreement of aid in exchange for allowing the family to live. Fear and suspicion permeated almost everything Ferdi did, wondering when the DPS would act in some manner. It never did. Finishing school and then acquiring a degree in religious studies from Boston University, Ferdi sought to better understand the Void and its workings by examining the stories and beliefs associated with it from cultures across the world in depth. Several years of travel and study yielded little more than the knowledge that the Void seemed to take on a unique aspect for each individual. While the Void itself remained obscured to him, its interactions with the world became clearer. His first direct exposure to the Void occurred when he was twenty-seven. Drinking at a bar in Maine, he noticed a faint humming sound from the stock room that reminded him similar sounds he had heard in mystic rituals. Three dozen people survived because of his warning; the same could not be said for the establishment. By the time units from the local Division arrived, most of the interior was destroyed along with significant portions of the outside facade. Ferdi would or could not recount how he survived that situation when interrogated but accepted the "offer" of joining the Division. He would serve as one of Greater Maine's DPS Division units for the next eighteen years, leading dozens of counter-Void operations and acting as one of the primary liaisons with and advisers on Mystics given his past. Where many fell by the wayside due to the psychological stresses associated with the occupation, Ferdi continued on without any negatives visibly apparent. It was a common rumor that this was because Ferdi had no more sanity left to lose, but regardless of anyone's opinion, he was reliable and effective. Now fifty years old and retired for five years, he is again called back to duty.[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]I D E O L O G Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]Described as insane by some, a genius by others, those who knew Ferdi during his time in the Divison all agreed that he was enthralled by his work. Each opportunity to work with Mystics was taken by him, learning studiously of their techniques and origins, abilities and actions. Not one to be grim, he would often attempt to bolster the spirits of his comrades during their operations. Even in the midst of combat, he would sing ballads of his own exploits or that of popular figures in history, sometimes carrying on conversation with team-mates in the middle of a firefight. Although this partial insanity made him effective at ignoring the Void, it also unnerved some he worked with. Born and raised a Catholic, Ferdi continues to practice even at the age of fifty, having incorporated many religious rituals into his preparations and operations while serving in the Division. Raised with a much more neutral-positive view of that darkened dimension than most, he seeks to understand as much of it as he can. To do so, he has adapted practices from religions around the world relating to the Void so long as they did not conflict too greatly with his own Catholic beliefs. He sees the Void as having potential for good. Humanity simply has to find the key, a key which is hidden somewhere in the beliefs of people.[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]A rather wiry man at 5'9" and 174 pounds, he maintains a rather scruffy look. Sideburns and mustache are relatively well maintained, with a thin stubble covering much of the rest of his face. Ferdi normally wears working jeans, shirt with thicker buttoned jacket, and a beanie skull cap when not working, but he will take more appropriate clothing for combat operations. Usually. His short, thinning hair is normally hidden under the skull cap. There are tattoos of the zodiac on his body, one on each finger excluding the thumb, one on each palm, and one each forearm.[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]W A R F A R E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]A firm believer in tradition and luck, Ferdi always took a particular set of items with him, no matter the mission. He wielded a dirk which was blessed by a priest once a year, an M1911A1 with a customized grip, sights, and refined internal mechanisms, and an FN FAL 50.63. More specialized equipment was taken as needed, including body armor and charms/anti-Void items.[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]T R I V I A[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=A1A6AA]-Spends most of his days fishing, reading up on various subjects, and writing a book about his experiences. -Lives in Rockland, Maine -Has an extensive collection of garden gnomes -Visits Ireland every summer -Often plays music from speakers while doing anything Void related, especially combat[/color][/indent]