Darius kept his expression neutral. That wasn't entirely what he had been hoping for. Some simple public recognition would have let people know he had done a job for the rulers of the city, which would make him come across as well recommended should he offer his services to anyone else. Settling into the service of a single employer didn't suit him. After he left his home city and the gang behind, he rarely served the same employer twice. In his experience, taking repeated jobs for the same person meant that they started to expect loyalty, and eventually hoped said loyalty would allow them to get away with paying him slightly less. It may be a stable career, but he never wanted stability - he wanted freedom and independence. He never stayed in a town for more than a year. In fact, within a few months he could end up leaving the Moonsea altogether. Additionally, while Darius was not well informed on the city's politics, he knew that the Hulmasters were in charge. Which meant that they were politicians, and politicians had rivals and agendas. He seemed honorable at first glance, but so did most nobles - they were supposed to. The first job may be to clear out some bandits or stop some tomb raiders, but the second or third might be to discredit or eliminate a political rival, and the rival's family may decide to take vengeance on Darius himself, since the ruling family is usually untouchable. He had personal experience in that regard as well. Still, it was better than nothing. And another job or two with the Hulmasters wouldn't hurt - depending on what the job actually was, of course. All of the Moonsea's settlements were starting to look the same anyways, and it wouldn't make a huge difference if one more city official was out for his head. He had to leave towns in a hurry before and could do so again. Arenar wasn't even his real last name! "Sign me up." He said with a slight smile, leaning back in his chair while carefully examining the expressions of his soon-to-be coworkers. [hr] When his puns failed to defuse the obvious tension in the room, Joric had fallen into silence. No one had even acknowledged his presence, save for the Duergar who [i]spat[/i] at him. Joric's eyes narrowed. He had heard much about the Duergar, and very little of it was good. He tried not to let that prejudice define his few interactions with them, but there was always a certain wariness in case the rumors happened to be true. And they tended to be wary as well, if not openly hostile. But spitting when you meet someone? In someone else's home? Joric may not have been the most well mannered individual, but that was just [i]rude[/i]. Anyways, back to the matter at hand. He knew very little about the quest he was signing up for, but they had a map and it had something to do with undead who were disturbed by tomb raiders. "AYE!" Joric declared with enthusiasm, a cheesy grin on his face as he slammed a fist down on the table. "I'm itching to [i]axe[/i] those gravediggers a few questions!" He gave the battleaxe at his hip an affectionate pat.