"[i]Oh, I can't promise anything. But an attempt is better than staying in here and burning to death![/i]" the Imperial said, bubbly as could be. Was she not afraid at all? "Uh, true." he replied amused, albeit a little perplexed. He was still a bit confused when it came to women who had no tusks, They always seemed to surprise him, though not in a bad way usually. He supposed opposites attracted, though he usually didn't go after any of the pretty ones he had seen. He was a bit too introverted and battle-hardened for that. He preferred to fight than flirt. Bardeck only had to stretch to prepare. Other than his shield on the ground, he had very little unclad or unstrapped onto his fit frame. He simply closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, remembering his training and convictions. He was more than ready to face these Daedra. Death in battle was not considered bravery to the likes of him, though he admired the trait in others. It was those who wished to live and face all of the troubles of the world that would be brave in his eyes, though it would perhaps be cowardice if an elder did not go and seek a worthy death. To die without showing his strength of arms lived a life less than fulfilled. In truth, Bardeck wasn't entirely converted to the Orismer way of life, but he did agree with many of their ways, and that was one of them. Battle was where one was truly alive. Gideon beside him wagged his bushy tail and sat up like a soldier awaiting inspection, furry chest puffed out and big head held high and alert. Bardeck was too preoccupied with noticing Gideon that he didn't see the Bosmer stroll up beside him until she was already speaking. He raised his brow as she spoke and nodded, smiling. He opened his mouth to speak a few times, but she seemed to go from one topic to the next like a fluttering bird. Speaking of which, he admitted he found it endearing she had a little bird friend that she wanted to keep safe. Still, all this attention made his flush a bit. "You going out there with us shows you're useful. If you could hold of whatever mages we have out there, I'll keep the big guys off you." he said, winking. As soon as the breach was opened, he and Gideon strode forward into the thickest of the fighting. He pointed his weapon at the Scamps, telling his hound to take care of a few of them before his own eyes fell on a Clannfear. The ravenous and Sauren Daedra roared at him, and lunged. Bardeck hefted his shield and held the strike at bay, though it skidded his boots across the pavement of the street. He shoved his Axe head at the thing's snout to stun it, and then struck it in the skull while it was dazed. Another Clannfear sought to take a chance and snap at him from behind, but he spun and knocked it away with his shield. The first Clannfear with a cloven skull whipped out in its death throes and knocked Bardeck to the ground. The Warrior hit the street, skidding his skin across the cobblestones to draw a small bit of blood from his arm. He gritted his teeth and got to his knees to block the next Clannfear claw. Meanwhile, Gideon held onto a scamp's neck stubbornly while another attempted to scorch the War dog with a fireball spell. The fire erupted between them as Gideon hit the caster like a cannon ball. It caused a reactionary yelp from Gideon, but he seemed to be under control with only a bit of damage. The very alive (but dazed) Scamp along with the singed Gideon fell beside the woman Brona.