Such virtue, such bravery! Orintur was not the last to offer aid, and he nodded respectfully to each new volunteer. With such a force, the hellspawn on the streets outside stood no chance, and their garrisoned brethren within the Oblivion gate would not see any greater success. As soon as the door opened, Orintur stepped out of the chapel and on to the scorched roads of Kvatch. Though his helmet's face plate obscured his vision somewhat, the Elf could make out several immediate foes. When the mages summoned more of the lower hell-beasts known as Scamps, Orintur knew exactly who he would dispatch first. "[b]For Empire and Emperor, and for the glory of the Divines, you will die here, you accursed devils![/b]" Bellowing with zealous rage, Orintur charged the nearest mage with the force of a stampede, stomping on the toes of a Scamp in the process. When the Churl slung a fireball in his direction, Orintur braced his left shoulder, letting it take the brunt of the attack. While it still burned, it was not of the intensity that he experienced years ago when facing the warlock that haunted the roads of Chorrol, and for that he was grateful. With his hammer in prime position to strike, Orintur let forth another bellow as he sent the heavy head of steel crashing down on the shoulder of his foe. The paladin was not satisfied with merely disabling the mage, however. Standing over the Churl, Orintur held his warhammer aloft and sent it down once more with great force, straight into its chest. Blood spewed forth from the Daedra's mouth and the bones within its bosom cracked and shattered, ending its miserable and heretical existence. Its death was quick and not entirely without mercy, and so Orintur viewed his actions as justified. Pacifism was a fruitless, even if noble, endeavor, and there would always need to be someone willing to take up arms and drive away the villains and heretics that sought to harm and destroy the innocent. At that moment, he was that someone. Turning around to find another enemy, Orintur caught the Scamp he ran over trying to sneakily hop away. The Elf and beast made eye contact for a few moments, and after shifting its eyes about trying to find an escape route, the Scamp began hopping away again...just at a slightly faster pace than before. Striding across the stone street, Orintur was easily able to reach the Scamp, even with its...speedy getaway. Once in range, Orintur sent the hell-beast sprawling across the ground with a sideways blow to its head. He took the heavy bleeding and motionlessness as confirmation that the Scamp was, indeed, dead. Speaking of blood, it was all over his armor...the paladin made a mental note to polish his gear later, especially his chest plate. Sweeping his eyes back towards where his new compatriots were, he was pleased to see that they were all handling themselves quite nicely. The young man and his faithful hound made short and impressive work of a few Scamps and a Clannfear; Orintur would be sure to commend them on their fighting prowess after their party had closed the gate. Which they would, obviously! It was just, well...they had to get in, first.