Interactions: [@BubbleGumKing][@Loki Odinson] ===== Saber saw the elder man approach him and thought little of it. He himself knew this man was a master, and thus a threat to him, but unlike the other masters whom had approached him this one seemed to be more talkative. He came right up to Saber, and in his caution, Saber considered that the man was just about to grind him over as some sort of dumb servant like the arrogant fools this world would typically be entitled to bring up. Instead however the gentleman inquired over his health. He also said something about him being a guard, and this being a long time? What was that supposed to mean exactly. [color=bc8dbf]"You are mistaken. But you may pass. I am only here to keep the peace."[/color] Saber said simply with indifference as the man left and went inside. The other two whom had arrived were conversing but Saber decided to not listen to it. Though it could have important info his master could use Saber's moral code, as much as it was worth, still compelled him not to do so. He'd dishonor his king if he did that much. On the other hand simply being here angered Saber somewhat. It was not worthy of him to guard this gate. But he would do so out of respect for the overseer. The other guard beside him simply chuckled. [color=f7941d]"Children shall be children. Pay them no mind. At least that gentleman was nice enough to try to pay you some thought."[/color] the monk said as Saber grunted. [color=bc8dbf]"Indeed."[/color] Saber stated flatly. ==== Togami took a moment to process the fact that the other master, a old fart really, had just waltzed right into the room and acted like he was his friend. More over he had thought him some sort of common rabble? Togami walked over to the nearby table in the room and grabbed a small chunk of bread in his hand. Before running over it with his hand slightly. He then threw it really fast and it smacked into the wall before even Leon could process it. The wall next to Jonathan's head thudded with the sound of a baseball hitting it instead of bread indicating that Togami's throwing arm was not to be underestimated. [color=0054a6]"The fact that you don't recognize me tells me that not only are you new to this town, but more over you're so lazy that you never considered for a fact that I could have killed you with a magic bolt the second you walked into that room. By nature we should've already been out to kill each other imbecile. If not for the fact that this was neutral ground I may have actually ordered you to be slaughtered. I am another master who may very well end up your enemy as soon as we both walk out that door."[/color] Togami growled as Leon pulled off his cap and placed it down on a nearby desk before walking up and glaring at Togami right in the eyes. [color=39b54a]"What the hell is your problem? The guy was just asking a question! There's nothing wrong with that."[/color] Leon said with disgust as Togami looked back at him without even flinching the two masters glaring at each other point blank continued until one man with dark grey hair, and eyes walked into the room. Togami immediately broke off as he pointed his finger at the older gentleman. He had a cross around his neck, a white set of monk's robes on, and a pair of glasses on. He was aging and well on his way to probably his sixties but he was still hanging onto a small part of his health as he looked healthy enough to walk with ease. [color=aba000]"Hello Togami, and hello friends. I welcome you to the first gathering of masters. Today I will be revealing to you some rules-"[/color] the old man began to say as Togami cut him off. [color=0054a6]"Hold off a moment you old geezer. First off you took forever to actually get back, and you don't apologize? Second off not all the masters are gathered here yet! What on earth could be the point of talking to us all like this without more people arriving?"[/color] Togami growled as the old man nodded his head. [color=aba000]"Fair point Togami. I apologize. And to everyone here I offer my sincerest apology for my rudeness. I am after all the High Overseer of this Holy Grail War...or rather the 3rd Great Holy Grail War if what my friends tell me is correct. There are signs that more than seven masters have appeared you know. Which means there will be some rule changes. So I will wait a little longer before I go on. Please make yourselves comfortable."[/color] the elder man said as he nodded his head. Leon took one last disgusted look at Togami before moving back to his seat. He was less than pleased about how that went downhill so quickly. [color=bc8dbf]"[i]Master I sense that you are distraught are you ok?[/i]"[/color] Saber asked as Leon replied to his servant that he was perfectly fine. Just a bit pissed off. [color=aba000]"I'm surprised the young lad isn't here yet...Maybe he isn't well."[/color] the old man muttered as he looked around the room. [color=aba000]"Also there's no need to introduce yourselves if you don't want to. Togami may indeed be a bit of a rude young man but he is correct in the fact that you are all enemies like it or not that is the truth."[/color]