[@Ryteb Pymeroce][@Rex][@Letter Bee][@SMS][@Gentlemanvaultboy] "Ah...you've arrived. You don't seem to be the negotiating type. I can't recall the last time I fought against something that wasn't a Heartless or Nobody, so forgive me if I'm a bit rusty...I'll try my best not to disappoint an elder." Taka responds, hastily summoning his blade as though he were about to begin some sort of fighting exam. Pieces of his true memories floated into focus, resulting in more garbled dialogue. However, he could not place a name to this voice. [i]"Taka..*zzrt*..as your *zzrt*...I ask you to protect *zzrt*...even if your life is *zzrt*..that is my mission for you..."[/i]