[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjM1NGVkZS5TMlZwSUVGcllXZGhibVUsLjA,/ragingredlotus-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] Crossbow in hand and eyes glued to the sniper scope attached, Kei stood on the roof of a six-storey apartment at the backend of Gravette, one foot braced on the ledge and the other planted firmly on the ground. Here, in the grimier part of the city away from the splendour which was the heart of Gravette, back-handed deals were made and illegal activities of the most extreme kind unfurled. Here, the residents were of the poorer end of the spectrum. Pitiful, depressed souls with little to no shred of hope left in them. Gravette was this kind of city, the sort which graciously proclaims promises for people with huge dreams and ambitions, but never guarantees your success. For those who manage to strike it big, well...good for them. For those that don't and fall even further as they try pushing their luck, the backend is where most end up, living like undead wraiths going through life on auto-pilot, with no more care in them for their future. And that was what made these sorts of places the best hunting grounds for Supernaturals. More than 50% of all deaths, crime and heinous sins originated from here, and the mayor had more of than not appealed to the public to cleanse the city of these "miscreants". Needless to say, he was shot down each time. Kei could honestly say she was grateful for it, because these poor citizens did make excellent baits. Usually, Kei wasn't one to make trips all the way out here as a Hunter. Her job as a doctor calls for it sometimes, but she was someone who hunted near the city central or maybe a couple of blocks out, mostly in case she got an emergency call from the hospital. However, this one was inevitable. When the therian - a black leopard - had first came under her radar, it was prowling about near the subway stations, lurking in one of the few bigger parks. She had missed her chance to kill it by a second when a loud bang rang out, startling her and the therian both. Before she could pull the trigger, the damn animal was gone. Over the duration of these two days, the leopard had moved from district to district in a clockwise pattern, allowing her to determine that this block would be the next place it would turn up in. Sure enough, the dead silence allowed her to pick up the light clacking of nails on concrete. The crosshair of Kei's scope was trained on the leopard's target, a scruffy man currently huddling for warmth by a barrel at the far end of an alley. She trained her sight in the middle of his torso, waiting to the moment the leopard would pounce and in turn, place it's back directly in her line of fire. It seemed like she wasn't the only one to hear the noise, for the man rose his head slowly, peering into the darkness. [i]Come on, you beast. Make the move,[/i] Kei teased the trigger of her crossbow with her index finger, itching to pull it.