I'm sure this is cliche and everyone is assuming I'm an annoying fanboy already but would anyone want to do a naruto RP? I was never the biggest fan of Naruto as an anime (and i dislike the main character naruto) but I love the world the author created, the abilities, and a lot of the characters. Would anyone want to do a RP where we play either real or original characters sometime during the story? I would personally want to play an original character but wouldn't mind if someone wanted to play Kakashi or something. I can't lie, I haven't watched/read naruto past Kisame Vs Kilelr Bee, but I've beaten naruto ninja storm 4 and it follows the story closely I'm pretty sure. I am in the process of rewatching from the five kage arc until the end so I should have the story fresh on my memory. I don't have any specific ideas laid out just yet, but can definitely brainstorm some. I'm a bit of an akatsuki fanboy so I may want it to revolve around them. I would expect a few paragraphs per post, so casual level. I'm not a stickler for grammar or anything as long as it's not extremely jarring to read your posts. I also have no problem if you would like to make your character a badass s ranked ninja, but being weaker is fine with me as well. I'm fine with doing more than one roleplay and am perfectly okay with romance storylines, although it would probably be a secondary storyline for most of the RP given that there is so much battle/war. Thanks for reading. Leave a comment if you're interested!