[center][h1]Erin Herne[/h1][/center] Tonight was dark in the backends of Gravette. The night provided... excellent cover. The silhouette of a young man crept along the walls and glided through the blackened streets of this condemned city. Damn supernaturals... a plague on this earth that Erin Herne was more than happy to remove from the planet. Supernaturals are dangerous, hideous creatures. A perversion of mankind. It does not matter whether the threat is exercised or not, a threat is still a threat. They have to go... Every last one of them... Erin was more than happy to bring damnation to this blight. Tonight's first target was very high priority. A were-leopard. [i]Panthera Pardus[/i], scientifically, are known for their agility and incredible ability to see in the dark, and the supernatural should display some of these talents. However, Erin has managed to track the supernatural this far, and he would be damned before letting this one get away. Erin had followed the creature into a large park. Due to the night, it seemed it was definitely a black panther, and his opponent was using the cover of night to his advantage. If he stayed perfectly still, the supernatural would render himself practically invisible. Well... if you can't get the needle, bring a magnet. Erin unholstered his prized fully automatic pistol and raised it into the air, he fired a single shot into the air, creating a loud bang that should startle the creature. Sure enough, he saw a figure move. A cruel grin spread across Erin's face, and he sprinted after the Therian. Erin pocketed his pistol and drew his katana, pressing the mechanism that would unfold the sheathe and blade itself, allowing him to draw Soul Stealer. The blade shimmered against the moonlight as the chase gave way. Erin speed vaulted over the railing of the park as he pursued his target, who took back to the streets and down an alley. Erin slowed down, spotting a barrel at the far end, where the creature was probably hiding. No stone left unturned. He grinned as he scraped his sword against the wall, slowly closing in on his target, unaware that there was another pursuer in all of this.