[quote=@Mr Infinity] My preferred place to start for the timeline would be right after the timeskip about the time Kakazu and Hidan are rampaging through fire country in search for jinchuuriki. I'll probably play my Male character depending on which way the story we want to go, or I could use multiple. He is a missing nin from Cloud Village who is on very bad terms with the raikage. I can write a full backstory/description before my first post so you can have a better idea of him. In his backstory I have him as childhood friends with Yugito the 2 tails jinchuuriki, so that's a pretty simple way to activate him into any storyline around that time. He's not incredibly unique other than he uses Steel abilities(I don't remember if that was in the manga or not). I am fine with diverging from the canon but have no specific desire to change anything off the top of my head. If you want to make a new genin team for Kakashi, I would be fine with that and it would be a simple way to introduce some interesting new characters. I do eventually want to diverge from the canon though in that I don't want the story to follow exactly as it does in the manga/anime, and with different characters the focus will obviously be pretty different. I suppose we should have some sort of general idea of what to go for when we start. Do you have any specific ideas for what you want to do with Kakashi in terms of alteration from the regular story or do you more just want to try it out and see where it goes? My male character is sort of in a finding himself state since he doesn't have a home and isn't quite on the level of evil of akatsuki, so he could easily end up befriending kakashi and following him along. [/quote] I would actually like to leave Kakashi's team the way it is, but around that time, since each of his students are off doing their own thing, he has returned to ANBU as ordered by Tsunade. So on one of his missions, he can make a different call or something when tasked with hunting down missing-nin who are powerful enough to catch the Akatsuki's eye for recruitment and runs into your character. Of course, it wouldn't be realistic to have both of them hitting it off instantly, so maybe Kakashi could be going in undercover as a civilain in one of the smaller Hidden Villages like Grass or Waterfall or somehting, and a friendship is built between them before one finds out that the other is also a ninja. Kakashi then extends his offer of returning to Konoha with him. How does that sound?