Master Alexius listened intently to the speeches of both the Relictor Captain Lattore and Eldar. They were both incredibly sharp of mind, which was expected of the Eldar, but he was surprised of it from the Astartes. He made a mental note to speak with Captain Lattore after the meeting, he may even make voice it in front of everyone in light of the content of the current increasingly heated discussion. The Eldar maybe as well, but a meeting with him was not as urgent. Captain Tyros's loud declaration may be enough to restore order, but Alexius thought it not necessarily to be his place to be the one to do that. Well-intentioned though he was, this was a test for Gregori more than anyone else here. All the same, he made note of the Captain's words. Alexius' eyes flicked silently over to Gregori who was sitting quietly to his right in spite of all this talk. He had quietly hoped that this issue would not have been brought up in the room, especially since he predicted the Cannoness' reaction, and who knows what Lord-Militant Corbec, and Inquisitor Consulve might be thinking of the subject. Or even what the one other completely silent element in the room, the Xeno Merchant clad in rags with his vat-mutant henchmen as wordless as him. Alexius silently thought that the diminutive creature was merely intently listening to all that was going on, as its stature revealed nothing else. When he and Gregori had first met, they had had the prudence to air out these "facts of reality" in private between the two of them. He knew Gregori was not one of The Sensei, but he knew better than to throw away this opportunity merely on what was basically a technicality, especially since the Sensei, by what he scarcely knew of them, may not exactly make the best leaders anyway if one even could be found. Better to keep old traditions alive for the fearful to cling to in these times until the great fear had passed than to strip them away and invite chaos. And while this in theory, was just an extension of what Gregori and Alexius had done themselves, it had worked between them because he and Gregori thought alike on the subject, which was obviously not the case in a room full of more than two people of vastly different experiences and dispositions. Alexius said nothing though, he merely kept the serious expression he had since talking with Enyo as his gaze shifted to the various figures around the room, while his left hand silently formed a fist on the table, and his right fingers tapped lightly on his right thigh beneath the table, within reach of his Lamarck Thousander within a moment if need be. His eyes looked over to Gregori's again for what he would do in lieu of this increasingly tense and potentially volatile situation.