[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://assets.ign.com/thumbs/2012/03/09/trejo_recoil_large.jpg[/img][hr][b] [color=orangered]Location:[/color][/b] Queensguard Private Airfield, Hangar [hr][hr][/center] Yeah, he was angry. It was obvious that anger built a summer home in his brain a loooong time ago, imported all of its surly relatives, and just never left in the off season. This was bullshit. A private security team, even one as dedicated and cutthroat as his company, followed certain rules. These men did not. If they were anything, the people pursuing them were mercenary. At the far realm of possibility, they were contracted government assets. Not unlike what he used to be. But be they government, criminal, or other, these men were hostile in a way that defied local or national law. Plus, they shot Cecily. It wasn't lethal; as best as he could tell it didn't damage a major blood vessel. If Cecily had never been shot before, though, that must feel like impending death. The second shock went down, so would she. This was not something he took lightly. And yes, the thought most definitely occurred to him that these were representative of the suicidal bastards that killed his girls. [color=orangered]"Motherfuckers must pay..."[/color] Yes indeed, motherfuckers must pay. But first, he had to get Cecily out of there with what evidence she had collected. Live to fight another day. And kill as many of these soulless fuckers on the way out as he could with a couple of clips of .45 ammo and two good knives. Let Cecily come back after she healed and collect evidence on [i]that[/i]. They were coming. No stopping that now. Maybe if he could clear a path back to the hole in the drain gate, he could get Cecily the hell out of there. [color=orangered]"NiƱita! You still with me? Need you to stand hard, Cici. This is what we do - we stand fucking hard! One bullet doesn't kill. It just pisses us off, you get me?"[/color] Obviously not the best motivational speaker there ever was, but hopefully a scarred-up old Mexican's advice would give some element of morale bolster. [color=orangered]"Stay behind me. I'm getting us out of here."[/color] In order of importance, Ceasar glanced over his surroundings looking for cover, an alternate way out, and any vehicle stashed inside the hangar. [color=orangered]"Wish there was something I could blow up..."[/color] grumbled Caesar, always willing to cause an exothermic distraction/personnel neutralizing device to effect a dramatic escape. Otherwise, he would have to hope to surprise the guards coming into the building and shoot their way back out. Yeah, just like the good old days. Except now he had an innocent girl with him.