[b]Q. Do you date outside your race? If so how often?[/b] A. Yes, I do. Most of the women I am surrounded by do not share my racial origins. Also the women who have been most enthusiastic about their attraction to me have also not been of the same race as I. So most of my "dating" life involves women not of my race for those two reasons. [b] Q. How do you view racial preferences as whole? (in society)[/b] A. I view racial preferences as a concept that is for the most part socially motivated, rather than mostly biologically motivated like some would argue. In my experience I have found those who publicly state that they don't date X group or so, yet in private will carry on casual flings with members of X group clandestinely. It seems more to me to be a matter of status and group cohesion. In instances where someone with hard racial leanings regarding mate selection encounters a particularly high value individual of another race, they will often jump ship, the value of their new outgroup partner offsetting the loss of status and exclusion from the ingroup. [b]Q. Do you find yourself attracted or not attracted to certain race or races?[/b] A. No. Women are Women, apples are apples, some are green, some are red. [b]Q. Can you describe why you might have these prefrences/dislikes?[/b] A.Perhaps if I grew up in a more homogeneous environment I would have such preferences. [b]Q. Do you think your mind has changed about any of this from the past or is subject to change in the future?[/b] A.Perhaps. Though I think not.