Breach closely followed behind Sergeant Morse as he led through the mission. She kept her weapon drawn and steady as she walked behind him, being prepared for anything that happened. Of course she had her uzi out due to it being just a safer situation to use it at close range, and a giant explosion would probably cause a lot of commotion which would cause this mission to pretty much be screwed. It was a fair trek before the group stopped at their OP and set up their base. Breach understood what was up and took the rear with her grenade launcher equipped, a set of generic night-vision goggles on her face, and her clothes covered in muck. On the ground she stared around at the environment and very carefully tried to not give away the position the group was in, but she couldn't help but be a bit jumpy with the occasional animal running past and the illusion of it being a hostile. Thank God she kept the safety on when she tried shooting a fox. Eventually, Breach calmed down and wasn't as jumpy, and waited for the moment where things went to shit and she could use her explosive friend. Hushedly, she spoke out to her squad mates: [color=ed145b]"Awaiting orders..."[/color]