"It's fine. I have my wallet in my purse. Just didn't have my phone in my purse evidently. I also don't know my brother's number by heart." She shrugged. For some odd reason, she had never taken the time to look at the number twice. When they had bought the contraptions before beginning college they had the clerks type the numbers in to show them how. They just allowed others to do it for them because for some reason phones were difficult. She couldn't even imagine what help that technology could have been back in her own time. Maybe her family could have been saved if cell phones were so carefully placed in everyone's pockets with panic buttons readily available. Kathrine snapped herself out of it. No time to think of such things, "Let's just go to the Caribou that's next to Burger King. I could go for a hot apple blast or a sparkling tea or something." With that, she began walking in the direction of the little coffee shop situated next to the light rail train station. The walk wasn't far if one could walk directly there. Unfortunately, you had to cross two busy streets that were diagonal from each other. Both of which rarely allowed pedestrians to walk. One had to wait while the system said,"Don't walk." In its annoying electronic voice repeatedly. -- "Cassandra," He breathed her name and then pulled her into his arms. He could see the anger fading in her eyes and then this feeling of despair trickle in. He knew exactly how she felt in those moments. The feeling of not being alive mixed with shock. It's an incredibly empty feeling to have your humanity stripped away. Sure you still have all of the emotions of a human, but the instincts and body are different. "This feeling..." He gulped, "This feeling will get better once you feed. I promise." He squeezed her close and then let go. He wished he could snap his fingers and make all of this just disappear. If only that were the case. He stood. "Let's get you fed, come on," He outstretched his hand towards her so that he could help her up.