[@mnkee] Awesome post, just a quick note and this is on me for not pointing it out sooner. Colchester is a two day journey down to London on horseback in this day and age. A quick edit to adjust for location or say you are back dating it will work. Say he wasn't looking forward to it in a couple of days time, then your next post could be in London. [@Morose] [@Lauder] [@Sputnik] [@Sigil] [@mnkee] [@rivaan] [@Pundii] Yeah, distance travel is going to be an issue. I hadn't even really dawned on me until Lauder pointed out a single days journey from Hampshire to London to me yesterday. So, make sure to check how long it will take to get from point A to B - Google maps on walking is a good estimator. So even getting from one point in London to another could actually take up to 8 hours depending on route, weather, crowds, and so forth. Lol Welcome to part of the slice of life factor LOL