[hider=Maria Hamada] [color=ed1c24][b]Name:[/b][/color] Maria Hamada [color=ed1c24][b]Title/Alias:[/b][/color] Midas Touch [color=ed1c24][b]Age:[/b][/color] 23. [color=ed1c24][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female. [color=ed1c24][b]Height:[/b][/color] Average. [color=ed1c24][b]Weight:[/b][/color] Average [color=ed1c24][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/sl3b5e.jpg[/IMG] [color=ed1c24][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Castilian - Tagalog Alchemy: Maria's mother had a heritage of Spaniard and Filipino, not just in genes and culture, but also in magical knowledge, for in the Philippines, the arts of East and West mixed freely, with Castilian methods of transmutation and concoction mixing with the unique possibiliites in Filipino herbalism and knowledge of nature, with a smattering of Chinese knowledge. Thus, Maria can create healing powders, explosive compounds, antidotes to poison, and of course, transmute lead to gold or create an Elixir of Immortality. Drawbacks: The secret to how Castilian-Tagalog Alchemy even works is that it uses Yokai parts, with the more powerful compounds requiring that the Yokai be [i]willing[/i] to give up their body parts. In fact, the Elixir of Immortality requires a Yokai of Chikage Akane's level to give up her heart of her own free will, something that probably won't ever happen. [color=ed1c24][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/qqcuiu.jpg[/IMG] Nemesis Kalis - A Kalis that glows silver in the Crimson Sky, the Nemesis Kalis was forged from a Dragon's fang, and enchanted with Filipino Baybayin* script that gives it the power to cut wounds that cannot be regenerated by magic. *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baybayin 9mm Pistol and ammunition. Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle. [color=ed1c24][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Bag of Holding - A minor treasure that allows Maria to contain weapons, ammunition, money, food and water inside a small space, no larger than a small pouch. [color=ed1c24][b]Other:[/b][/color] N/A. [color=ed1c24][b]Sample Post/Introduction:[/b][/color] [b][i]Five Years Ago[/i][/b] "Maria, you are eighteen now," the middle-aged Japanese man, clad in his hakama, stood as he and Maria gazed out over the garden and koi pond. "It is time you learned about your mother, the source of the other half of your heritage." He would then smile. "For a long time, being only Half-Japanese has brought trouble and danger to your life, and it is only my name that protects you. You may even feel ashamed of it, as our society is biased to those of 'pure blood'. Well, it is time for you to know that your mixed blood is not a source of shame, but rather of pride, pride because in another world, your heritage is one of power, wonder, and fear." "Are you talking about the Crimson Sky, oto-sama?" Maria said. "But that's a myth!" "So young and yet so sure," the middle-aged Japanese man, Fubuki Hamada, smiled. "Then why don't you come with me, sit by the pond?" He would then begin walking forwards, and Maria, out of obedience, followed him...only for the sky to change, with the full moon turning pink amidst a blood-red sky. "I...I don't believe it," Maria was now staring at this new world around her, where in the air, the koi swam in the air. Wait, make that Yokai who looked like koi. "But I have to, don't I, oto-sama?" She was trying to calm down, but her body was still tense, adrenaline flowing through her body. "This cannot be denied." "Indeed it can't," Fubuki said. "Your mother, my wife, was not just a mail-order bride, but also a Chaser, one who had her own mind and will, even in her marriage to me. She was a proud woman, one who knew the secrets of a unique form of Alchemy, one that turned the parts of Yokai into something useful, yet were bound to rely on the powerful ones being willing to give up their body parts. I loved her, although I will admit that at first, it was because of the power she promised, but now..." "But now, her loss, in that car accident on Earth, it brings pain to my heart and soul," the middle-aged man finished. "Why are you telling me this, oto-sama?" Maria said, "I mean, I'm glad you waited till I was eighteen to show me the Crimson Sky, but...I was planning to go to the Philippines, as I don't have much opportunity in Japan." "Hear me out, Maria," Fubuki coughed a little after that. "Your mother made the sacrifice of marrying me, knowing little about who she was binding herself to, to save the secrets of Castilian-Tagalog Alchemy, and even advance it. Do you realize how precious that knowledge was to her? To me? Knowledge is beautiful, precious, and it must be preserved and passed on." "I know that I cannot ask you to sacrifice your life unwillingly, but please, let me teach you what your mother knew, let me pass on the knowledge of Castilian-Tagalog Alchemy, so that you can pass it on to others, other Chasers..." [/hider]