[h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [@ShadowKingman] [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Sinfjotli looked back at the maiden only to find that she had shed her physical form and was leaving the chamber, abandoning the contest before she had even participated. This did little to ease his temper, and his scowling sulk grew deeper. He had hoped to impress her, if not with the first contest, then in some other field, and her quick departure stung his already bruised pride. The blackening of his mood was interrupted somewhat as another Servant approached the table. Sinfjotli eyed him appraisingly and found he liked the bold stranger well enough. The man was tall, grim and bearded, with fine armaments and a noble bearing that spoke of a king or warlord whose deeds demanded respect. Had his current temper been other than what it currently was he would have offered the austere looking warrior a smile and boisterous greeting. Instead he merely gave him a nod and grunted; [color=fff200]"Ware the arm of this one, stranger. He's Jotun blooded, or else has some other trick about him." [/color] [hr] [center][color=a36209][h2] Walgrave[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Walgrave watched his Servant go and then turned back towards the exit, readying himself to go in search of his quarters. For a moment however, he wavered, and then changed his mind. It would be pointless to go and attempt to establish himself before Zelretch made his finnal announcement regarding the particulars of what was to come. Giving a dry sigh he turned and made his way a little farther on, sitting at one of the empty seats that was closest to him. He would content himself with waiting out this insipid festival and using it to get a better look at the other occupants. He found his gaze drawn towards what could only be one of the Einzbern Homunculus, but carefully affected not to notice her. The Einzbern had been one of the major obstacles to British domination of the Clock Tower for generations, and it was with grudging admiration that he studied the Homunculus's flawless construction. Despite his wariness of the Einzbern he found himself contemplating working with them, and could not deny that there was a spark of curiosity within him to see what their craftsmanship was capable of.