Hello everyone! I'm not exactly new but it would seem everybody I used to know has left or I have lost contact during the transition to the new forum. I figured this is a good way to meet the friendliest people in the Role Playing Guild. Let's see... my experience with role playing isn't extensive but when I do partake I enjoy it quite a bit. My favorite type of role plays are Alternate Universe role plays where the player is given the chance to change the course of history. Other than that, I mostly lurk and read other people's role plays or arena because I like to see everybody else's approach. One of my favorite places to hang out in is the Articles & Guides because of the many user-generated guides that are there. The latest one I have read was about intelligence gathering. It was a very enlightening read! There was another one about war time strategies or engagements. Either way, I'm here to meet new people and participate a bit more than just lurking.