[color=ffcf40][b]Hoshi (Shooting Star)[/b][/color] [color=ffcf40]"That worked!"[/color] she breathed, fist snapping back to her cheek as quickly as it came, back in the guarding position. Just as she'd hoped, a nice, workable chunk had been ripped free by the impact, eyes and tendrils sprouting all over as the new mini-Negari had taken to life on its own. They could beat it like this! Her eyes momentarily flickered between the two, wondering whether or not to bring them down one by one or to keep shearing more small fry off of the main body— [color=0072bc][b][i]MOVE![/i][/b][/color] Tendou rarely, if ever, raised her voice. The fairy was a constant pool of calm in the back of Hoshi's often too breezy and rippling mind to draw upon. That meant that when she yelled, Hoshi [i]listened[/i]. The girl immediately shot to the side, whirling as she did so to gauge the threat— And her vision was promptly filled with fire, as a new comrade, one she hadn't seen before, cleaved through a drill-tipped tentacle that had been aimed directly for her heart. Wide eyes tracked the drill as it fell, dissipating, to the ground. She had forgotten the cardinal second half of the maxim that everything martial arts boiled down to: Hit, but don't get hit. [i][color=ffcf40]Stupid.[/color] [color=0072bc]Worry about it later, for now, your friend--[/color][/i] Right, the girl that had saved her. Shooting Star's head snapped to the right, just in time to see the warping of space once more as Copenhagen Star-san made a timely intervention to save her savior from another huge tentacle that careened down onto the roof, cracks spiderwebbing out from the impact. [color=ffcf40][i]As expected of Copenhagen Star-san,[/i][/color] she grimly mused, an edge of dissatisfied self reflection creeping into her thoughts as she dashed forward and hammered the tentacle in question with a burst of high-speed punches. [color=ffcf40][i]She can stay on top of everything no problem. I just stand around after I punch something—[/i][/color] [color=0072bc][i]'It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first.'[/i][/color] ...She was right. Tendou was always right about these things. Griping about not being good enough never got anybody anywhere. Keeping at it and improving yourself was key. And if a moment's indecision could mean a catastrophic mistake— A scream rang out from nearby. A mass of tentacles had found one of the few survivors, and were intent on consuming her. Then the Shooting Star would be indecisive no longer. [color=ffcf40]"Hang on!"[/color] Rocketing over towards the source, she found the girl nearly engulfed by the writhing mass of tentacles and eyes, clearly struggling but incapable of outpowering the Negari intent on eating her alive. This was definitely a different method of absorption from the one they'd noticed earlier— But also one she had a good idea of how to deal with. Landing atop the mass and putting a few eyes of with her boots, she grit her teeth, grabbed two writing handfuls within her glowing gauntlets, and began to [i]pull.[/i] She may not have been the Jaws of Life, or as strong as Copenhagen Star-san, but the the kung-fu-grip-assisted power of any magical girl trying to literally rip a Negari apart was nothing to sneeze at. [color=ffcf40]"Keep... fighting!"[/color] she urged the girl within, reduced to a low growl through sheer exertion. [color=ffcf40]"Don't... give... up!"[/color]