[color=ec008c][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]E R I K A "T H E P U P P E T E E R" M I K A Z U C H I[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup]City K - [color=0072bc]Razor's Character[/color][/sup][/INDENT] [@Cherrywitch] While the Pumpkin Witch didn't seem to have any care for his personal space, Razor didn't seem like he was bothered either. If anything, he was fine with it. She had begun inspecting his body, checking everything with mild interest. He just stood there as she did. He was pretty sure that Ayu would have retaliated if she was being inspected like this. Then again, Ayu would rarely leave their master's side considering that she was very loyal and didn't want to learn more from the world. [color=0072bc]"A master puppeteer. A ventriloquist. The audience should never know whether it is real or not."[/color] Erika repeated that like a mantra most of the time when she was asked why she was creating something so life-like. [color=0072bc]"Animation you mean?"[/color] He asked when the Pumpkin Witch mentioned her own master. Considering that the broom had its own sentience, then he could guess as much. He was about to reply when he had a transmission. He held out one finger silently asking for a moment. [color=0072bc]"Yes master?"[/color] [color=ec008c]"We're ending this fight. I need you to distract Gastro as much as possible... wherever the hell you are."[/color] Razor smirked. [color=0072bc]"Got it."[/color] He then turned back at Pumpkin Witch. [color=0072bc]"I gotta dash. If you wanna follow, come on. If not, eh."[/color] He then turned around and then started off with a jog before dashing down towards where the Gastro was. He was faster than any normal human being but not to the point where he could get in par with people like, say, Flash Forward. [color=ec008c][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]E R I K A "T H E P U P P E T E E R" M I K A Z U C H I[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup]City K[/sup][/INDENT] [@Phobos] Erika looked at Ayu. [color=ec008c]"I called in Razor. Charge that thing up and Razor will distract him."[/color] Ayu nodded and then her left arm turned back to an arm and then the right arm turned into an anti-material rifle. It began charging up, as the light blue rings started to glow. Razor soon appeared, his arms now blades. He winked at Erika who nodded at him and he started to head towards Gastro as he avoided his breath attack. Getting up close and personal should be easy. He then planned an uppercut, letting the blade hopefully harm Gastro's stomach. However, whether that was blocked or not, his metallic blades from his shoulderblades would appear and then strike at Gastro's face, hopefully hitting his eyes to blind the guy. [b]Charge Up Post: 1[/b]