[@AtomicNut][@Vashonn][@Blight Bug][@MonkeyBusiness][@AnaSilan Sunja] Well I'm not too picky when it comes to character sheets and everyone has done an adequate job so ya all are hired! Put those characters into the character tab. Now I'm hoping we can get one more from Onxy empire but we'll see. Well obviously more than just your characters will be entering the Castle so there will be White Rock and Onyx NPCs to fill in the ranks. I'll let you guys have some leeway with your side's NPCs to use during the roleplay so you don't have to just rely on other players for interactions. For each side, maybe about 40 at the start and while the role play progresses their numbers will get fewer and fewer, and I'll be keeping a tally to show how each side is faring. One of the most important elements in this role play will be your interactions with Castle Grimm inhabitants, who may either help or hinder you depending on your choices. You could bribe a maid to act as a spy, hire a mercenary, piss off the cook who will then get his revenge through his cooking. Also castle residents often have insider knowledge such as secret passages, hidden traps, and the like. Another feature I was thinking about was having a money system for bribery use and the like. Each side would start off with say 1000 gold or something and at certain points can try to use that money to gain advantages from the residents. You would PM me the amount used and then at the end of that day's events how much is left over would be posted. I thought such a system could add an interesting element to the role play.