[@Switch] Actually, I'm quite happy for you to go with successors of the Blood Angels, or the BA themselves if you like. I also collected the BA's for years, so I've nothing at all against them, thank you. As for most developed and interesting...developed, yes, and that's just because they [b]are[/b] the first legions...most interesting? I would argue that they actually aren't, and would consider Chapters such as the Celestial Lions, Black Dragons, some of the Unforgiven Chapters and many others to have a lot more flavour to them than say the Imperial Fisticuffs and their one-dimensional traits. Hell, the Black Templars are clearly more interesting than their parent legion IMHO. I'm not trying to foster knowledge, but you look at any Deathwatch artwork and what do you see? Oh, an Ultramarine, a Salamander, a Blood Angel and a Raven Guard...and again, but this time with a White Scar in the mix...and again, but this time they're on bikes and there's a Dark Angel there as well; how can they even afford to send so many warriors to the DW when they're fighting their own battles elsewhere? Overall, you may choose as and what you see fit, I'm not going to say no to anything - guess I just like a bit more flavour is all. If you wanna go with a founding legion, be my guest. :)