[centre][b][h1]A collaboration of Guild Masters[/h1][/b][/centre] It was sometime later, when Jamie began to track down her fellow Guild Masters, deciding that since the games had ended, with no clear winner, she could now at least finish what she had started. After making sure her members were okay, spending a little bit of time with Sam, and gathering her files, jamie began her way to the dragon Fang hotel, deciding to start with Jack, since she had already spoken with Fraquar, however briefly, she would round them up, and hopefully also speak with Sanders. Jamie found that thought a little unpleasant, but knew it had to be done. Entering the Dragon Fang hotel, she approached the concierge, inquiring about Jack’s location, mainly trying to ascertain whether or not Jack was in the building. Jack, as it happened to be, was not in the Laughing Dragon, but was out walking the streets in thought about events before and during the Games. Jackie’s old friends had turned from crime to being a Light Guild just shortly after Jackie herself had chosen to try living differently. Couple that with the Dark Guild attacks that had happened during the Games, and he began to wonder if for every new Light Guild that turned up, they’d discover two or more of the Dark Guilds. It was an unpleasant thought for sure. Finding that Jack wasn’t in the hotel, Jamie left a note, and proceed to find the Rider’s Blade hotel, making her way steadily across there, Jamie sent a message to Jarvis, asking him to track down Jack, or find someone who could do so, not wanting to run all over the city looking for him. Reaching Riders Blade’s residence, Jamie searched for Fraquar. Fraquar was talking with Delsin and Krystal, making sure his two younger members were okay, despite their guild not doing much during the event. He was more concerned for the psychological Krystal had suffered earlier in the games, but the girl seemed to be bouncing back and doing just fine. Delsin was being as laid back as usual, joking about Frenzy Plants attempt to either destroy the town or make it simply look less inviting to those who lived outside of it. Looking around, he spotted Jamie and dismissed the other two before approaching Phoenix Wing’s guildmaster. [color=9e0b0f] “I didn’t expect to run into you so soon, Master Jamie. Is there something I can do for you?” [/color]He said, this tone curious but also a bit cautious. Jamie watched Fraquar approach, and gave a shrug, [color=f7941d]“Well, there’s a lot to do. And it’s going to take a collaboration of the guilds. Basically, a continuation on what we were talking about before”[/color] She said,[color=f7941d] “Trying to find Jack, and a little bit of neutral ground. I was thinking the library.”[/color] [color=9e0b0f] “I’m sure I can find Master Jack rather easily. As for Neutral ground, anywhere but where the guilds are staying would be pretty much neutral ground, since none of our three guilds consider this city home. Besides, it’s not like your enemies with Jack or anything.” [/color]Fraquar said [color=f7941d]“I’m aware of that, but if I can convince Sanders, it might be wise to go somewhere no one would think the four of us would go”[/color] Jamie replied,[color=f7941d] “And given my guild’s history with Libraries...well no one would expect me to be in another for a while,”[/color] She said with a shrug.[color=f7941d] “You find Jack, I’ll go speak with Sanders.”[/color] At about this time, General Sanders of Frenzy Plant had returned to the now-reestablished Frenzy Camp situated in one of Crocus’s public parks. His meeting with the leaders of Tough Love and Pirate Lord, conducted masterfully and concluded without a hitch, put him in a decidedly good mood. Anticipating some time to relax following both the meeting and the long trip from Belka that preceded it, he made his way to the camp’s center, where a late lunch had been prepared on the bonfire. Without any rush, he worked his way through a plate of fried vegetables and grilled beef, keeping a casual eye on the nearby members of his guild all the while. [color=9e0b0f] “Grabbing the General eh? Have fun with that.”[/color] Fraquar said, unable to keep a small tone of disgust out of this voice while using Sander’s title. His distaste for anything military was still strong but he would do his best to reign it in for the talks. Sighing, he set off to find some Dragon Fang members to see if they could point him in Jack’s direction or, better yet, contact the God Slayer for him. Upon arriving at the Laughing Dragon Hotel, Jake was able to direct Fraquar to a park that he knew his guild master would go to when he needed to clear his head or think on some critical information that turned up during the Games. When the Guild Master for Ryder’s Blade reached it, he would find Jack reading through some papers, though their contents would be uncertain. [color=9e0b0f] “I guess the plus side to having a really small guild is that I don’t have as much paperwork as the bigger ones.” [/color]Fraquar said, approaching Master Jack. [color=9e0b0f] “The games just ended and already you’re hard at work. You should try and relax before you head home at the very least.”[/color] Jamie sent Fraquar a smile, and a nod, [color=f7941d]“Even I can learn a new thing or two, Fraquar. Leaving out one of the heavy hitters? Especially it being Sanders guild...I’d rather not have another scandal.”[/color] She watched him leave, before setting off herself, heading in the direction of the Frenzy Plant camps, she entered with purpose, if stopped by anyone, Jamie would request to be taken to Sanders, but otherwise she’d move directly to him. Phoenix Wing’s master might have wandered for some time, given the fact that she didn’t know where General Sanders might be located within the camp, but as she approached the perimeter she was spotted by Leixia, the C-rank archer currently assigned to guard duty. She recognized the rival guild leader immediately and, after being informed of Jamie’s request, nodded her affirmation before leading the woman to the cook fire. There she found the General supine in a reclining chair, but at her approach the old man leaned forward into a more proper sitting position. His features could only be described as stony. [color=8F9779]”Ah. Mrs. Beltras. To what do I owe the…’pleasure’ of your presence?”[/color] Jamie paused for a fraction of a second. How long had it been since anyone had called her that? It seemed oddly...rude coming from another guild master no matter what Sanders called himself. [color=f7941d]“General Sanders. I'm not too sure its pleasure, given what I have come to talk about, however, recent events have shown that the guilds must need work together, for what is coming. And your considerable talents, as well as your members, will, I think, be a turning point, for the war that is building. Guild Masters Jack and Fraqaur are, I hope, already meeting.”[/color] Jamie choose her words carefully, but not so carefully that they'd seem rehearsed or poured on. [color=f7941d]“I'm a good strategist, General. But you're better.” [/color] [color=8F9779]”War?”[/color] The tactician stroked his whiskers, repeating the word like the name of an old friend. Indeed, he and war went way back. He gave a brushing gesture, dismissing the soldiers nearby. Once they left, he continued. [color=8F9779]”How do you know that a storm is brewing? Is there something you know that the other guilds don’t? Ah, that’s what you’ll talk about at the meeting, I suppose.”[/color] He arranged his fingers into a tent. [color=8F9779]”I find it odd that you’d come to my guild, which you have slandered. Perhaps you believe whatever situation you face is so desperate that you’d seek our power despite your lack of respect for us. That is very interesting to me. I will join your meeting, but I would like to bring two of my comrades along.”[/color] He pointed toward a nearby tent. A moment later, an oddly-dressed [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/1e49/i/2011/046/7/5/oc___langan_by_mwatsuki-d391xk9.jpg]man[/url] with a dazed, blank expression appeared. [color=8F9779]”Private Rune, go and get Private Riggs, please. I want you both to join me as I meet with the other guild masters.”[/color] Zombie-like, the soldier shambled off. Sanders rose from his chair, grasping his cane as he did, and expectantly turned his attention back to Jamie. Jack glanced up from the paperwork and chuckled, setting it down and standing. [color=Turquoise]”Ah, but I am resting. Otherwise I’d already be on a train back to Shirotesume.”[/color] Stretching and popping his back, he turns fully towards Fraquar. [color=Turquoise]”So to what do I owe the visit?”[/color] [color=9e0b0f] “Master Jamie wishes to meet with us in a library nearby. You, me, and Sanders. I’m not sure how such a meeting will go, and frankly I don’t see Sanders making any of our lives easier, but we might as well give it a go.” [/color]Fraquar said. [color=9e0b0f] “So I was sent to come get you while Jamie went to visit Sander’s personally. I wish her luck.”[/color] Jack chuckles dryly, putting the paperwork into an envelope and then storing the envelope in a bag which he slung over his shoulder. [color=Turquoise]”We’ll see how things go before I pass judgement, though I’m aware you have your reasons for not liking Guild Master Sanders. Shall we?”[/color] [color=9e0b0f] “I guess we shall.” [/color]Fraquar said before leading the way to the meeting point, a grim look on his face. Jamie gave a sigh. The thing with politics was that they were everywhere, and you always had to be prepared to sound...at the very least, professional. [color=f7941d]“There’s a saying about old dogs learning new tricks, Sanders. “Slandering” your guild as you so elegantly put it, in the heat of anger, is neither here nor there. I can put my Pride aside, for the good of Fiore. As for how I know, why, the evidence is there, if you only care to look.” [/color] She didn’t say anything as Sanders summoned two of his...were they members? Jamie wasn’t too sure. [color=f7941d]“Oh, and Sanders? I have never once said I do not respect your guild. You can respect someone, and not agree with certain actions, or indeed words. When you are ready, we are meeting in the capitals library.” [/color] Jamie knew that she had had a choice-she could have left Sanders, and his guild out of this, but she knew that for Fiore, they could change the tide. She wouldn’t be petty, not when it was the country at risk. That didn’t mean that she was going to be a doormat. Frenzy Plant’s General did not reply. No matter what Jamie told him now, she couldn’t take back what she’d said. Her words -that his assembly of soldiers wasn’t a real guild- left their mark; to try and back track now meant she was more of a politician than she tried to make out. Neither did Sanders enjoy her snide comment about the lack of evidence. Deftly did she attempt to shift the magnifying glass away from her character and toward his own, whilst giving no specific detail that might even hint as any real evidence. The old man wore a polite smile, but his thoughts were grim. [i]So it’s going to be like that. Then it is already time to play another game.[/i] Once Rune and the upbeat bard Edith Riggs were on call, the three followed Jamie to the meeting place in silence. Jamie walked along in silence, thoughtful as she tried to put everything into order, She walked towards the cities library, walking in smoothly, she found what could be considered a private area, but even if it wasn’t, Jamie intended to use a lacrima to bring them some more privacy. She looked around for Jack and Fraquar as she walked through the library, thinking she just wanted to be able to spend a few hours with her daughters, but knowing this was important. Fraquar arrived with Jack shortly after Jamie and Sander’s reached the meeting point. He gave Jamie a curt nod and a small smile before turning to Sander’s. He frowned and sighed but otherwise did nothing to acknowledge the other guild master before going to lean against a nearby wall, crossing his arms and waiting for Jamie to begin, wondering why the Phoenix Wing guild master would gather them all, especially her two least favorite guild masters. Jack followed behind Fraquar, nodding to and smiling at the young lady at the front desk of the library as they walked in before spotting Jamie and Sanders, who had brought two of his guild. This brought a frown from the Wizard Saint and he made a mental note to be on the lookout for potential foul play. And while he had no reason to believe such a thing would happen, it was clear that Sanders did not shared the Dragon Fang guild master’s trust in why they were there. [color=Turquoise]”Good afternoon, Jamie, Guild Master Sanders. Seems something of import has come up if we’re all here.”[/color] Even if the other guild masters didn’t particularly like Sanders -though of course this estimation would be based on hearsay and reputation alone, since only Jamie had even met with him face-to-face before now- they could have bothered to afford him a little respect. Their collective frowns, as well as Fraquar’s sigh, discouraged him. Fiore’s guilds really had, after all, fallen into a generation of younger leaders with no regard for manners. No matter. In any confrontation, the bigger man extended a hand of courtesy and forgiveness to those who slighted him, instead of perpetuating ill feeling. If they liked having sour grapes, that was their business, but Sanders would treat them as their positions should rightfully entail. [color=8F9779]”Greetings, gentlemen. I am honored to make the acquaintance of fellow guild leaders. The performance of your guilds during the Games is cause for me to hold each of you in high regard. I hope that our conference here today may be just as good.”[/color] He looked over his shoulder and held up a hand with two fingers extended, then curled the fingers. Without a word, his two soldiers backed away to stand on either side of the entrance. Rune removed his hat and held his arms behind his back, his face vapid. At the same time, Riggs did her best to appear serious, though the bright-faced young woman managed to look a little silly as she did. Jamie glanced around at everyone, before starting. She let her voice fall into an even tone, as she spoke. [color=f7941d]"There have been recent reports of dark guilds rising. Not just here, where the number of dark guilds has increased quite frighteningly, but in other countries-although they might not, strictly speaking, call them dark guilds. Fiore's only recognised magic again the last twenty or so years"[/color] And wasn't that slightly frightening? Jamie had been using magic her whole life, and yet 25 years ago, she was on the streets. "[color=f7941d]Which leaves us behind the times. We don't have enough mages trained in their magic, whereas other countries do. If even one of those countries were to fall to their dark guilds...it wouldn't be a good thing for Fiore. Yet that isn't even the main reason I wanted you here..."[/color] Jamie gave a soft sigh, and seemed to think a moment, as if pondering what she needed to say. What she could reveal. Before simply speaking once more.[color=f7941d] "Some few of my guild members have Fairy Tail blood, which as we know doesn't necessary mean anything, aside from being able to trace their line back to those legendary members. However, having Fairy Tail blood means they can find the island, and access it, that was one of Fairy Tail's secrets. I suspect that there could very well be members in your guilds with the blood too. This, again, in itself isn't an important thing. Yet...there have been rumors of earthquakes in the sea, violent ones causing tsunamis, in an area reputed to, at one time, be considered strange. And we have been plagued, as...I think some of you may, or will be, by a man that styles himself timelord. A youth, really. He has revealed-or at least, I'm lead to believe, that there is a danger we need to address, about what went on 100 years ago. That, I think, needs to be our first order of business."[/color] The news did not appear to bother Frenzy Plant’s general. With crossed arms, he replied, [color=8F9779]“The matter of dark guilds, bandit gangs, marauders, or rogue companies is nothing new to me. Hunting down and eliminating such bothersome groups is a regular duty of Frenzy Plant. Not long before the games, for instance, we returned from a campaign near the border of Bosco.”[/color] Abruptly, the casual, even dismissive edge left his voice, replaced by seriousness. [color=8F9779]”If there is some kind of greater calamity in store, however, I would beseech you to reveal all information you have on it. We cannot address an ‘order of business’ without full knowledge of the situation.”[/color] He made a fair point. As foreboding as what Jamie said sounded, she had yet to impart anything substantial. A vague threat floating high above the guild masters’ heads couldn’t possibly be acted upon. Jack frowned, thinking back on Shujin’s interactions with others. [color=Turquoise]”I can think of only one of my members who Timelord has interacted with, Shujin. Of course, he has told me that this young man has revealed absolutely nothing about his intentions to him in the course of their interactions outside of he wants to find Tenrou Island.”[/color] Fraquar resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Sanders, listening to the man speak. While he knew nothing of this Time Lord person, he could at least offer his opinion on Sanders opinion. [color=9e0b0f] “Lack of knowledge or not, we should at least lend a hand in any possible issues. Just because we don’t know a lot doesn’t mean we should stay stagnant. Trust me, our enemies will not be waiting and even if we make a mistake or two along the way, at least we can say we did something.”[/color]] He said to the General. “ [color=9e0b0f] And besides, I’m sure not all the information has to come out right now. I’m sure when you tell your soldiers details, there are occasions that you hold back information. After all, you are an army. Classification and all of that.”[/color] [i]What did that contribute?[/i] Sanders wondered. No guild master could suggest that the best course of action in an important mission was to rush off half-cocked, so Fraquar’s comment confused him. The personal edge to his last statement got his attention, though; did the leader of Rider’s Blade have it out for him because of his background? He would have to be careful. [color=8F9779]”Now, now. I withhold no information pertinent to any operation I order my soldiers to undertake. Think of it this way: if I know there is a landmine on a road that my army must walk, I should not under any circumstances fail to tell my soldiers about the landmine. In any kind of situation spanning countries, I’ll wager that there are many landmines to consider. I’m not interested in saying that I did something. I’m interested in the greatest good for the greatest number--which means deliberately minimizing mistakes. On another note, I’m sure you’re not suggesting that it’s wise for Mrs. Beltras to keep secrets from us, whom she has called upon for help. We are her equals, ‘after all’, not underlings.”[/color] [color=9e0b0f] “The ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. Laughable. That greatest number is either the number of people you save or the amount of money or resources you can line your army’s pockets with. Or the greatest amount of fame you can get for your army so they seem to be less of a threat to the country.”[/color] Fraquar said, barely keeping a tone of disgust out of his voice. [color=9e0b0f] “What about the small numbers though? The ones you seem to be eager to look over, to let their problems go. So long as those problems go big enough to become one of those ‘greatest numbers’. What about those people? As for our discussion on information, I would hope you would tell your men about a landmine, but I doubt you would tell them anything that might concern more personal matters. Somethings are meant to be private Sanders and so long as it doesn’t get in the way, I do not see the problem with Jamie keeping a secret or two. So long as she tells us what we need.”[/color] Jamie gave a soft sigh. [color=f7941d]“You seem to be under the impression, Sanders that I know more then I have told you. Perhaps that may be my fault, but”[/color] she shook her head, [color=f7941d]“that is now neither here nor there, as I now suspect that you wouldn't believe me if I said that is all I know. Given the extent to which whatever happened 100 years ago was so dramatic it still effects us to this day, I thought that having additional support from other guilds might be a good idea, however if you can't-and really that's for everyone-trust me, then it isn't going to work. I came to you because you have assets we can use. As we do. I don't have all the answers, not yet. But I will. And you'll have everything I do, when I have it.”[/color] After Jamie finished, Jack put a hand between Sanders and Fraquar, simply because of his positioning, hopefully cutting off any retorts about to form. [color=Turquoise]”This is the barrier that is being built right now by harsh words and half formed judgements. Fraquar, I understand your history with militaristic organizations, but to treat every one of them you come across with the kind of contempt and scorn you have right now, it will get us nowhere. On the subject of the Time Lord, as such as we should be discussing it rather than making attacks on each other of any kind, Shujin mentioned that when he spoke with him, he asked, and I’ll say it again, about Tenrou Island. We all know that not only is that island unique, but it’s sacred ground for anyone with Fairy Tail blood in them. So we should perhaps come up with some theories for why anyone would want to find it, when letting it rest is a better option.”[/color] Pursed lips and a shrug answered Jamie’s words. Despite the antagonistic, unwarranted, and extremely baseless accusations hurled his way, General Sanders did not bat an eye. Whether they were exaggerations, misunderstandings, hasty generalizations, or outright lies, such words couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone with even a grain of rationality, and the old man felt no need to defend himself against them. Once again, the bigger man would turn the other cheek, and greet hatred with kindness. [color=8F9779]”I am unoffended, and sorry that you feel this way, my friend. On the subject of Tenrou, I must admit that my knowledge of the past events surrounding it is incomplete, but from my understanding it was the site of several incredible magics particular to the Fairy Tail guild itself, known as the Three Great Fairy Magics. At one time, I was envious that a guild might possess such an amazing magic, so I researched it as much as I could. In addition, I believe that the Tenrou Tree itself would, in days of old, prevent anyone with the guild’s seal from dying whilst on the island. I can’t imagine what the Time Lord might have in mind, but they are potent sorceries indeed. If this fellow can, in fact, travel through time, there’s a chance that he may have some sort of connection to Fairy Tail that allows him to harness the guild’s special magic. This is all postulation on my part, of course.”[/color] He waved his hands, their palms open to signify that he had nothing. [color=9e0b0f] “To correct you General Sanders, there were four spells from Fairy Tail, though whether you could call the fourth one a spell is up to debate.” [/color]Fraquar said, calling upon his days in the military and the research he had conducted back then. Having access to some more classified information had proven very useful from time to time [color=9e0b0f] . “After all, it was that very spell that plunged this country into war so long ago and literally reshaped the land. As for those spell, I read up on them once. Fairy Sparkle, Fairy Law, Fairy Sphere, and Fairy Heart. They are potent spells, but also tricky. I’m sure the main interest for most would be Fairy Law, though my reading vaguely mentioned some sort of high cost for it. As for Tenrou itself, official records show it was a small island far from the rest of Fiore. However, thanks to the Dragon Acnologia, that island was sunk, if not flat out destroyed decades ago. How the members of Fairy Tail on the island survived all that time ago was kept a secret by the guild, though if I had to guess, it was one of the Fairy Spells. Masters Jamie and Jack, do you have anything else to add?”[/color] Jack was silent for a moment, mulling over what little he knew about the young man they were talking about and of Fairy Tail and Tenrou Island. He mentally reviewed everything he knew about the stories, then snapped his fingers when he remembered something relevant. [color=Turquoise]”Jamie, you said that there have been reports of earthquakes, correct? What if that’s because Tenrou was sunk a second time? When the events of over 100 years ago occurred? No one but the participants knew where that final battle took place after all.”[/color] Jamie looked over them, thinking that sometimes, things could get so complicated, that even the simplest explanation gets buried, unseen. She waited until they were all finished, before she said simply.[color=f7941d] “I believe that Tenrou island could never sink. There were reports, even in Fairy Tail’s time, of the island constantly moving, protecting itself. And I believe the island was the site of whatever devastation caused such shocking results even to this day. I have reason to believe that Time Lord does indeed have the ability to travel through time-an ability I think that takes tremendous power, and, in all my research into his past….he showed up ten years ago, a child. There is nothing else on him. Its logical therefore to assume that...he traveled back in time, to a point that would allow him to prepare. And started...harassing some members quite recently. One can only assume that he is doing so because some important point now can change something drastic from occurring once more.” [/color]This was, of course, all speculation, yet Jamie spoke with confidence, sure most of what she had deduced was correct. She turned to Sanders, and Jack, and said[color=f7941d] “I’m unsure whether Fraquars guild has any members that have Fairy Tail blood, but I suspect you both have members in your guild with such blood. How, I’m unsure, yet celestial magic has long been traced through blood lines. Still, I don't think it matters, so long as there is one Mage with Fairy Tail blood on the island. Reports from that time show that the mages of Blue Peagus, Lamia Scale and Sabertooth joined those of Fairy Tail in the last stand, so theory then tells us that as long as there is a Fairy Tail mage on Tenrou island, it is accessible to allies”[/color] She paused a moment, before drawing a deep breath and letting it out,[color=f7941d] “I believe we have time to prepare, and it would be wise to train at least some of our members together.”[/color] [color=8F9779]”Oh, certainly. If any of your members, however unlikely, so wish, they may stop by the Frenzy Fort any time. We would be glad to put them through Basic.”[/color] [color=Turquoise]”I don’t quite think that’s what Jamie had in mind. Fraquar and I actually had a similar idea I was going to approach you both separately about, but no time like the present. Our guilds, Rider’s Blade and Dragon Fang, are putting members into a joint team that goes out on jobs together and trains together as the time allows. One of the members is Jake, one of my S Class, so his other duties will pull him away on occasion, but I think the idea has merit. Your thoughts?”[/color] [color=9e0b0f] “The team would consist of two members from each guild, one male, one female. The members from my guild would be Pyrrha and Delsin, as they each offer different talents and Delsin has contacts he can use to gather information that might otherwise be hard to come by.” [/color] Fraquar said before looking at Jamie. [color=9e0b0f] “I would make Lucus a part of the team but I think it’s best he stay here so he can look after his wife and daughter in your guild. I know they need a lot of catching up to do.”[/color] [color=8F9779]”Hmm.”[/color] This certainly constituted a turn for the unexpected. Sanders’ instincts told him to refuse, citing the vulnerability of such a position given the common enmity he now felt sure the other masters shared for him. However, to push away this opportunity would also widen the gap between him and them. He would be seen as uncooperative, no doubt, and contrarian to boot. Plus, it would be a mark on his pride. With that in mind, only one choice lay before him. [color=8F9779]”Perhaps. I can think of several soldiers who come to mind. Perhaps some of you have seen Corporal Enma and Private Johnson.”[/color] Jack shrugged. [color=Turquoise]”Admittedly, outside the members of your guild who were in the Games themselves, I’m not sure who those are but I would be happy to meet them. Of course, I am sure that it’s no different for any of our guilds. With so many of our own members to keep an eye on, or in Fraquar’s case, jobs to find, that it is the same for yourself or Jamie, Master Sanders. In fact, the only members I’m familiar with in Phoenix Wing outside of those who were in the Games is one, and that’s her adoptive daughter Amelia.”[/color] `Jamie thought for a moment. There were many people she could put forward, and it seemed such a shame to only put forth two members. She disliked Sanders small dig at her members-that was what she didn't like about Sanders. The expectation that their guilds knew nothing, or at least, didn't follow a structure and for that they were beneath contempt for. Jamie pondered for a moment more. There was, of course, the obvious choices. Her S class mages. Perhaps that wasn't the wisest. she could also offer up Amelia...There was Sasha....some of the newer members as well...So many worthy candidates...they all deserved a chance. And wasn't the point of this exercise good relations between the guilds? Unity, against foes they couldn't face alone, and the ability to work together without thinking, involved a lot of training, and should involve everyone. Sighing, Jamie shook her head, [color=f7941d]"While I like the idea, Jack, Fraquar, I wasn't merely thinking of two members. that is a good idea for maintain relations. If our guilds are to get along, at least well enough to fight, it means working together, and training together. Two out of our members is not enough." [/color] [color=9e0b0f] “So, you want your guild to have the majority of the say in the team Jamie?”[/color] Fraquar asked, in a calm and polite tone. [color=9e0b0f] “Let’s say we let the guilds in the team put forth as many members as they like. You three can put forth upwards of ten members apiece and still have plenty to spare. On the other hand my guild consist of only six people, including myself. On top of that, we are the youngest, least experienced guild. And your guild, has all the reason in the world to doubt most of my members. My guild would have little to no say in anything, compared to the rest of you. Two is a fair number and it lets every guild take part in the team equally. Do I want to put more members in? Yes, yes I do. But I also see how putting more in could be detrimental to the team.”[/color] Jamie gave a sigh, feeling like everything went back towards grudges. She shook her head,[color=f7941d] “No, I don’t want my guild to have a majority say. What I want is to make sure that in two months, probably less, we don’t all die because we can’t fathom what the other teams want to do, or are trying to do. Putting in less could be just as detrimental as putting in more. Two from each guild leads to a team of eight that will be able to work well together, and given the numbers of our guilds together, this is not a larger number. In a time where there isn’t such a deadline, or where it wouldn’t be detrimental to not know how each guild works, yes, two members is fair. I am trying to make it clear that I am willing to get past that doubt, but if you still think its a problem, then having the guilds work together could help get past that. However, I’m willing to go with the majority here. If you all don’t think it's a good idea, then we’ll go with the two members.”[/color] After letting Jamie respond to Fraquar, Jack spoke up. [color=Turquoise]” Look at it like this, Jamie. There are still lingering resentments between various members of the guilds who we all lead. Rather than jumping right into it, this would both give our guilds a chance to move past the resentments, and see if it’s even possible for our guilds to all come together like you would like. There is no harm in being sure before committing fully to anything.”[/color] Throughout the miniature debate unfolding between some of the other guild leaders, Frenzy Plant’s general remained silent and contemplative. Being lukewarm on the whole prospect, he had nothing to add to the discussion, and no side to take. At the very least, though, the little spat revealed that the other guild masters might not put up with any kind of advantageous maneuvering for Phoenix Wing on Jamie’s part. That knowledge gave Sanders reason to wonder if he might be able to find allies among the other guild masters after all. While Fraquar saw what Jack said as true, he knew Jamie was about as likely to back down as a cornered animal. She would fight for what she believed in to the end. So they would have to reach some sort of compromise somehow. He quickly ran through several scenarios before deciding none of them would likely satisfy the stubborn guild master but he would throw one out anyway. [color=9e0b0f] “What about this Jamie. Five teams with one member from each guild. You’ll be able to put more of your members into the teams, but all the guilds will still have an even say in the team. Alternatively, the max we can do is five members from each guild, or four or three. It has to be even, but you can’t put your entire guild into the team.”[/color] He said calmly, with no hostility. [color=9e0b0f] “You need to understand that I’m sure everyone here would like to put as many of their members into the team as they would like, but we have to make compromises ourselves between the ones we want and the ones we know that might need the experience. It’s not easy on any of us, though I suspect it’s easier on me since I have so few.”[/color] Jamie gave a sigh, it was clear that none of them would agree with her opinion, and she just hoped that didn't come back to bite them on the backsides in the next few months. She gathered up her things, shaking her head.[color=f7941d] "None of you seem to get it. We don't conquer what's coming, the world will be destroyed. I don't see how I can choose just a handful of my members, when that extra training, with other guilds, could save their lives. I don't want to lose any of my members. I don't want to lose my daughters again, it was hard enough the first time." [/color] Even though Sam was back, it still haunted Jamie. She didn't want to be that helpless again. Unconsciously, she rubbed her leg, the long healed break twinging, she sighed again. [color=f7941d]"I'm not choosing what's best for my guild, though, but rather what's best for Fiore. There are magics in all our guilds that could be more than a little harmful to other guilds. Some magic's we do not understand, even as our members use them. The guilds working with more members than a handful is beneficial, but like I said, I'll go with majority, so please stop treating me as if I am unreasonable"[/color] Jamie rose, stopped and said[color=f7941d] "Everyone will need experience for what is to come. There are many things we can prepare for, but dark magic on this level...something as powerful as what happened nearly a century ago...Everyone needs experience. Everyone needs to be prepared. The rising numbers of dark guilds will mean nothing, if we don't fix what has been broken these last hundred years. Our members need to learn to work together, and not make the mistakes we have. It's not about control, I don't care who has what say. It's about keeping them alive." [/color]It was perhaps the closest Jamie would even come to admitting she was wrong. She gave another sigh, and said [color=f7941d]"The time gets late, and we could be here forever. The ball will be on soon, and we need to be there. I have a daughter that probably needs convincing to go, and members to check up on."[/color] Jack stood as well, stretching slightly before facing the other members and offering his hand for a shake to Sanders. [color=Turquoise]”Perhaps we can discuss this with our members and then inform each other of their thoughts? After all, this isn’t something that affects us all. But perhaps the decision we each make should be our own.”[/color] After finishing shaking Sanders hand, he started for the door. [color=Turquoise]”We would be here all night otherwise. I will see you gentlemen and lady at the ball.”[/color] Fraquar sighed. The meeting, while most would say had gone nowhere, was at least a first step. Even if nothing had truly been accomplished, at least the guild masters were able to enter a room and talk to each other without trying to kill one another. Yes, there was alot of arguing, but it wasn’t like anything else should’ve been expected. As Jack left, he spoke to the remaining two guild masters. [color=9e0b0f] “My guild was to return to our hall tonight, but I might change my mind, if only to try and talk to you more. So, I guess I’ll head out too.” He said before handing a piece of paper to Jamie and Sanders with a number on it. “If we wish to contact me, give me a call. I’m usually available. And Jamie, in concerns to Miss Averyonna, would I be able to apologize to her tonight, in concerns to my past actions towards her? Or would you prefer me to stay away from her?”[/color] As each opportunity arose, Sanders complied with little to no stiffness. He firmly gripped Jack’s hand in the shared gesture of cooperation, and accepted the card from Fraquar. Although, he did not know what to ‘call’ the master of Rider’s Blade with. The urgency with which Jamie demanded only moments ago left him with mixed feelings. On one hand, the act of making such bold proclamations as ‘the world will be destroyed’ without a smidgen of hard evidence irritated him. On the other, if she did really know something of truly dire importance, her refusal to share what she knew struck him as dishonest and dangerous. Whatever Jamie wanted to use his ‘assets’ for, she could be sure of one thing: Frenzy Plant would not commit a single penny to a project that did not pass his professional standards. Lives were worth more than reputation with rival guilds. Wordless, the General left the building to make his steady way back to camp. Jamie was well aware that Sanders thought she was holding information back. She wasn’t. The simple fact was, everything she had was circumstantial. Yet when you put it together, you got undeniable fact...She didn’t expect Sanders, who went with information and research, to understand that. What she needed was just a little bit of faith. She sighed and shook her head, wondering why she thought this would be easy. Compared to everything else, perhaps...She glanced to Fraquar, and said [color=f7941d]“That would be up to her. She seems ready to let the past be the past, or I wouldn’t be here, Fraquar. I have a stop to make on the way back to the hotel, so if you’ll excuse me, I best get going before I become real tardy”[/color] She hesitated a moment, before she left the building.