Upon reaching the hotel, Jamie took a moment to glance around, taking in everything that seemed to have happened while she was gone. Sam was the first to see her, and Jamie crouched slightly, hugging Sam and lifting her up as she ran towards her, giving her a tight hug. With Ease, Jamie walked over to Jarvis, and with familiarity, nevermind the fact that Public displays of affection had been limited the last fifteen years, gave him a kiss, transfering Sam into his arms, she briefly greeted the people in the lobby, before going over to Amelia. Sitting down next to her, Jamie was silent a moment, studying her daughter. [color=f7941d]"So"[/color] She said, after a few moments had passed, and having accessed the troubled deamnour Amelia seemed to be putting out, [color=f7941d]"Whose the boy that has you in a knot?"[/color] She smiled slightly, glancing about for a moment, before looking back to Amelia. [color=f7941d]"You don't have to answer that one. Are you going to the ball?"[/color] [@Joshua Tamashii]