[center][b][color=orange][h2]Avey StormChaser[/h2][/color][/b] Chapter 1.1 All Wizards have to work sometime [/center] [hr]([i] Outside the Phoenix Wing Hotel[/i])[hr] [Hider=first encounters] The woman was nice enough looking and as polite as one could be in her distress, she appeared to be a caring wife and loving mother even if seeming a bit young for either role. Beneath her tattered tear soaked cloak she wore the fair clothes of the hardworking middle-class. Avarius looked deeply into the young woman's sad glimmering green eyes as he gave her a concerned attentive glare. She sobbed and spoke and he pieced together 'a' story in his head. [i][center]Husband ... Gambling problem. Father, suave and ...sexy? Oh the boy's father. There's a missing boy. Her child. Treasure hunters. [i]ooh treasure[/i] Young. Magical. Wizards? No, stolen by wizards. Sold to wizards? What's any of that got to do with an apple?... Ohhh I could so go an juicy apple right now. Where did she say the apple was? Huh?[/center][/i] [b][indent]'Bgrrgh'[/indent][/b] The thought of food caused Aveys empty stomach to growl at him again. Even worse, now he thought he could smell the sweet scent of of fresh apples tormenting and calling to him from a distance. He pulls the woman in close and rests her head to his chest as he hugs her. Meanwhile during this affectionate display his eyes dart around down the nearby streets looking for signs of a nearby apple cart. Tracks in the sand, a gathering of people, a discarded core, anything!!! The woman had stopped crying and pushed back her head to once again look at Avey, with a faint smile and a glimmer of hope in her eyes she spoke softly to him. [b]"Thank you so very very much, wishing you safe journeys and the best of luck. I do so ever deeply look forward to your return. Please do hurry. "[/b] Before leaving Avey to his own vices, while looking down at the floor she spoke one more time. [b]"I will truely be forever indebted to you should you be able to help. My home will always open to you should you need anything at all. Thank you."[/b] With that the woman turned away and hurried off. Avey stood dumbfound in the middle of the street. Speechless he watched the swaying of her fluttering cloak disappear into the distance. Through it all he never had any intention of participating or partaking in this rescue mission, but the sincere thanks and grateful offerings caught him off guard. Having never experienced such a meaningful gesture, the feelings he found himself swept up in caught him off guard. Before he could make sense of it all, the quest, why him, these feelings, where the apples were. The weathervane arrow still in his hand, stole his attention as it started to vibrate wildly. Clasping it tightly with two hands he struggled with it as it tried to escape. A wicked grin took his face as he battled with it and was spun around on the spot. Now facing back towards the hotel he see's his small metallic companion skittering across the ground towards him in a frantic hurry. Right on his tail a very fit woman in only a white bath towel charged madly after him. Steam was practically spewing from her ears as she thundered after him. Her long wet auburn copper hair flailed about, her skin glistened in the sun, one fist shook violently in the air as she ran while the other supported her only item of clothing. Without word or warning Rinn darted behind his companions legs. Avey looked up from his friend to the enraged woman just in time to see a fist flying at his face! [b]"You perverted wizards!"[/b] she yelled furiously as she threw a punch at him. She was fast, but Avey was faster. In a split second he embraced body of air as he cleared his mind and drifted his face back just out of reach. But it wasn't over there! Instinctively the woman took her own momentum and spun around, pivoting on her front foot she followed her fist and brought her back foot around towards Avey's head. Her foot plummeted around towards Aveys head with a powerful speed and force. Had it not been for Avey's body of air he would never have had a chance of dodging it. Even now chances looked slim. The air told him of the kick coming, he would have to move much further to avoid the foot than the fist but the simple momentum of her move had already began to push away his lightened form. That is until his eyes caught up with his other senses as he looked towards the attack and saw a whole lot more than he was expecting to see. The move flowed naturally for angered attacker, without the need of thought, combat was ingrained into her brain, the result of years of hard repetitive training. Training not done in a bath towel. Avey saw things he had never seen before. Probably the very things Rinn had/was trying to peek at. And in that flustering surprised moment the startled Avey dropped all his magic and in a flash it was over. Avey was kicked with such force that he shot across the street and plummeted violently into a sturdy wall, falling instantly unconscious in the rubble. It was no ordinary kick, and that woman was no ordinary girl, and it most defiantly was not the last time they would meet. Avey was stone cold unconscious so he never saw the faint blush of embarrassment in her cheeks, or the expressive guilt in her eyes for over doing it, or the way she stubbornly stormed off trying to commit to her conviction and not feel sorry for the boy she just pummelled. [/hider]