Hi there! I'm gonna skip the long introduction, and jump straight into this. I've made a few of these posts before, but I am still shy af. Please bear with me. Here's a little about myself. I'm currently going home sick, but will check up on RPGuild everyday to check if I have messages. I love a good reply, so I can use time to reply as well. I will prefer medium casualty - 2-4 paragraphs, more in the introduction is fine - and someone who can help me with the plot. My personal goal for every reply, is around 1000-1500 characters, and I would like for you to reply with the same amount. Of course; everyone can get an writings block, so it's alright if you write less. Uh. I don't know what else to say? I go from CET+1, so if my replies comes in the middle of the night for you, I apologize deeply. [b] ANYWAYS. [/b] What I have in mind, is some [i]very[/i] futuristic in a RP, where things are powered by energy, skyscrapers stand tall around the people, and some streets are closed off from cars to drive in. Think of it as a part of Tokyo. NEO-Tokyo. Where electronic devices have the upper hand, and machinery is over powered. Where robots exists, and they slowly took over work and shops. They own the city now, and the amount of people that is still here, struggles for survival. I don't have a plot going on, but what I have here, written above. Hopefully it'll bring some interesting eyes to this. I can do most parings, but is more comfortable doing MxM, and MxF. I will not do FxF, since it makes me uncomfortable, since I suck at being a female, no pun intended. I think it was it? PM me if you're interested! Until next time-- - Riverbeak.