[@ClocktowerEchos][@Zetsuko] It just sounds complicated because it's all rough. Basically. What we said is. Have clear win/lose conditions in sight. The longer someone is on a planet the more points they get. Certain things like losing wars, having less land/resources, bad events, espionage ectr cause you to lose points. If points reach 0 faction is forced off planet. If both people have lots of points and aren't losing them for any reason. Then once past 100. You're basically "taking" points from another, closest faction. Effectively. You're literally growing over them. Think of it like..if france was growing so much in media/culture/power that it basically started to dominate and over take..say..England Culture. Effectively replacing it. So prospering or decaying as a nation. The story is always leading to a power imbalance in factions and thus their inevitable victories or demises. So, you know. We won't have a world of factions that exist for eternity no matter what.