[@Lunarlors34] [color=0072bc][h3]Indigo Ishida[/h3][/color] Nodding to her words of a prank he would rub his chin until she suggested an idea. His face lit up as he snapped his fingers. [color=0072bc]"Angela... when we get back to the guild. I am making you a tray of cookies."[/color] He told her as he started walking with her dangling from his back. [color=0072bc]"Now to find the guards is the first step. I suggest when we meet them, I distract them and ask for something stupid like directions. Then while they have to fulfill their duty and help a lost citizen. You strike and light their pants on fire. An extra cookie if you light right where their butts are. Then we profit from their shock and most likely really hilarious reactions. Sound like a plan?"[/color] He would ask her not paying attention to those around them giving odd looks as to why this young female is dangling from this males neck.