[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gFyPiJM.jpg[/img] [color=6C6C6C][sub]A M E L I A M O L D O V E A N U[/sub][/color][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]P R E L U D E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=6C6C6C]Amelia was born in the Ardeal region of Romania. It has for centuries been a place subjected to heavy influence of the Void. Superstition was and is common among the people. Old folk tales tell of the 'shadow realm' and its horrors that lurk the deep forests of the land. Amelia was always skeptical of such myths until the day that the Void swallowed her whole. She spent six weeks in the Romanian Void before she eventually found her way back home. Her parents thought she had disappeared for good, that the Ardeal forest had taken her, but such was ultimately not the case. Amelia returned and told of her nightmare and the things she had seen. Superstitious and Catholic as they were, Amelia's parents believed their child and became worried for her mental health. They saw to it that Amelia visited the local priest in order to be cleansed and blessed. After the ceremony, Amelia described how the closed mouths of the people inside the Church voiced their thoughts to her, and that they were not particularly nice. The next night, several neighbors knocked on the door and suggested an intervention of their own kind. The outcome was violent, but Amelia and her mother managed to escape the confrontation. The two women fled to America. Amelia's mother had always wanted to visit, but certainly not under these circumstances. Some years later, she passed away without knowing if her husband was still alive in Romania after that unfortunate night. Despite the early setbacks, Amelia did well for herself. She spent a few years with a foster family that taught her English and arranged for her education. However, they did not know about Amelia's connection to the Void. The girl kept it a firm secret. She eventually figured out that the voices she heard in her head was the thoughts of other people around her. It was quite maddening at first, but over the years she managed to deal with it. During her High School years, Amelia began to experiment with techniques she had come by through strange books. She also conducted brief ventures in the Void on her own, for the sake of learning something about it. During her university years, Amelia resumed her Church duties that she had grown up with. She attended mass every Sunday and confessed whenever she was able to. Only a few years ago, a new priest heard her confessions—Father Michael Lacoste. Little did she know that he was a man with knowledge of the secret world and a connection to the Vatican in Rome. He quickly understood what Amelia was, and that she had been exposed to the Void. The two conversed outside of Church matters and shared knowledge with each other. Therefore, the intricate complexities of the secret world is rather new to Amelia—of her thirty years being alive, only two have been fully 'awake'. In the present, Amelia is a Mystic in every sense of the word. She lives a normal life in front of the veil with a job and friends, but her nocturnal activities expand much further. Amelia helps Father Lacoste with whatever is needed, search for children recently escaped from the Void, assists The Division whenever she runs into them, and continues to develop her understand of her connection to the Void. Portsmouth Bay has been her home ever since she arrived in America. Its occult activities are much like those in Romania. One would think that she would want to escape once again, but somehow she feels right at home. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]I D E O L O G Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=6C6C6C]Amelia take every opportunity to improve her knowledge about herself and her nature. She is naturally curious and invites intellectual challenges whenever they appear. Her creativity and imagination is utilized for planning courses of action in all possible scenarios. She trusts her rationalism above all else. Her communication is honest and direct, not held back by social roles or expectations. Amelia's creativity, logic, and confidence leads to her taking responsibility for her actions. Overall, she is independent and decisive, open-minded, and determined. However, Amelia can appear arrogant in her remarks. She can be come become brutally insensitive in making her opinions perfectly clear. Amelia also has problems with blindly following rules without fully understanding them. She finds it distasteful. This can be due to her sometimes over analytical nature wherein she succumbs to perfectionism applied to herself and other people. This antipathy to rules and tendency to over-analyze and be arrogant, all adds up to Amelia often being clueless in dating and romantic situations. Amelia was raised a Catholic. She still considers herself a Catholic despite what she knows. Even if Father Lacoste has explained to her that God likely does not exist, the thought of the old teachings comforts her. The point of religion has always been to withhold truth from the common people, which is something that becomes increasingly probable as one learns about the existence of the Void. Amelia has found herself praying to Christ more than anyone or anything else. Father Lacoste explained that the man did exist, but was more likely the most talented Mystic in human history rather than God's son. Christ's consciousness might still linger in the Void somewhere, it is believed. Amelia hopes that the connection between the Void and the real world will permanently close some day. However, she realizes that it would mean for her own life to end. If such an endeavor would guarantee that no child would have to experience the horror that she and many others have, Amelia would gladly end her own life. She believes that humanity is good for as long as their environment is good. Should the Void be unleashed upon the world, the environment would turn dark and soon thereafter the heart of humanity would as well. Amelia genuinely fears such an event. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=6C6C6C]Amelia stands at 163 centimeters (5'4") with a slim figure. Her hair is naturally black, but with assorted highlights when the mood strikes. Her attire during the day is formal-casual due to work, but during nocturnal activities the attire changes into dark clothing, which consists of a t-shirt, skinny jeans, bomber jacket, and sneakers. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]W A R F A R E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=6C6C6C]Amelia's unique mysticism is telepathy. She can hear and see voices and cryptic visions and dreams of other entities. Unlike the fictional version of the ability, Amelia cannot control whose mind she connects to. It is all random based on factors she do not fully understand. Sometimes she can get overwhelmed and suffer migraine. Non-prescription pain relievers can dampen the effect, but never entirely. Other than Amelia's ability to use techniques of the Void, she is not particularly adept at fighting violent confrontations with cultists or void beings. She has received [i]some[/i] training in fencing and carries a ceremonial sword given to her by Father Lacoste. Through some interaction with The Division agents, she has also learned the basics of shooting firearms, but she carries no guns of her own. What she does own herself is a bell that she bought from a peculiar shop. It is her chosen method of conducting the Void into the real world, as taught by Father Lacoste. However, Amelia is rather skillful at using void techniques in the heat of the moment. She has a keen sense of reading the Void and how much attention she is drawing to herself. Her combat style, if there ever was one, would be agility and using the environment to overcome the enemy. Phasing and Dampening are her most frequently used void techniques. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]T R I V I A[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=6C6C6C]☩ Lives on Ellsworth Island of Portsmouth Bay. ☩ Works at a mall selling cosmetics. ☩ Enjoys chocolate pudding and daffodils. ☩ Her second name is Liana. ☩ Plans to go back to Romania one day to see if her father is alive. [/color][/indent]